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Allah Ditta on "How do I deactivate the All Authors Page plugin?"

Dear rhiannon deactivate from plugin page, or secondly use ftp any one which you think easy way.File transfer protocol.

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ThorHammer on "[Plugin: Menus] Please explain some setting options"

First of all, thank you, this one works fine! Second, I really need some explanation to the options that can be switched on and off. I don't want my users to be able to switch to other sites under "my...

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linux4me2 on "Redirect to blank page after update, preview or save plugin...

Blank pages usually mean you're getting a PHP error and your server logs rather than displays the error, which is the behavior you want with a production site. You just have to know where to get the...

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David Sader on "[Plugin: Menus] Please explain some setting options"

ThorHammer, just as you ask, I am working today on a revised version tuned up to WP 3.5. Some of the dead ends you noticed are from menu names from older versions of WP. I should have something in the...

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oinkyxp on "Redirect to blank page after update, preview or save plugin setting"

Hi thanks but i'm quite new to all this. You mentioned to use a FTP program or the file manager for your server control panel to download and look at the error_log files both in /public_html and in...

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linux4me2 on "Redirect to blank page after update, preview or save plugin...

An FTP (file transfer protocol) program is just an easy way to transfer files to-and-from your computer and a server where your web site's files reside. The server control panel (cPanel, Plesk, etc.)...

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ThorHammer on "[Plugin: Menus] Please explain some setting options"

Nice!! I am looking forward to see it! Cause this plugin really is a must for a multisite install :-)

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Tandyman on "Percentage of sales"

Hey I'm trying to design a website where people can sell things and I (the owner of the site) gets a percentage of the sales. Is there a plugin i can use to make this happen? Thanks

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songdogtech on "Percentage of sales"

Don't multipost, as per the Forum Rules. Dupe: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/reverse-auction-and-of-sales?replies=4

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Prolet on "Please suggest the right plugin!"

Hi and Happy new year to everybody! Some details about my project: -I work on WP 3.5, theme "Striking" and plugin "s2Member". -My goal is to build a multi membership website -Every user wil have a...

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Bogdan on "[Plugin: WP Auctions] List auctions on index"

Hello. Can you tell me if I can add the auctions on the index page? I see that you can add them only on the sidebar. Thanks. http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-auctions/

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keeperbay on "[Theme: P2] Can you make this a Plugin Please"

There are plugins that are 'like' this one, but this one is the best. It's simple, there aren't a lot of options, it's easy. If not a plugin can you tell me which files I need to use to put this into...

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bettyboo93 on "How to make an Archives drop down menu"

Hello, I have a custom menu on my blog http://www.bettyvintage.com but instead of having the archives on my side panel I'd like a drop down menu of my monthly archives on my navigation bar. Can anyone...

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ktstudios on "How do I deactivate the All Authors Page plugin?"

There is a typo that generates the error. You can edit the plugin file allauthorpage.php at line 412. The line reads: delete_options($this->_name.'_show_email'); It should be:...

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Andrew Nevins on "How to make an Archives drop down menu"

Some CSS like this ? .widget-title ~ ul { display: none; } .widget-title:hover ~ ul { display: block; }

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bettyboo93 on "How to make an Archives drop down menu"

that works for a drop down on my side panel, thanks! But I'd like to move it up to where the menu is just below my header next to shop,contact etc. Any ideas? Would I need to install a plugin for that...

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oinkyxp on "Redirect to blank page after update, preview or save plugin setting"

I'm not sure if the seo plugin is still causing any error but it seems like there are no new php errors according to the date. Guess I'll just leave the plugin alone for now. As for Main Error Logs:...

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seo.chris on "WooCommerce - sorting products by category"

Greetings All, I'm using the WooCommerce plugin and I am trying to have my 'Shop' page sort the products by 'category'. Currently it gives options to sort 'Alphabetically','Most Recent', & 'Price'....

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linux4me2 on "Redirect to blank page after update, preview or save plugin...

Yeah, I don't see anything in your .htaccess for Wordpress that would be causing the no case errors unless there might be a server configuration issue. It could even be that something else on the...

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adrian_lesan on "[Plugin: Subscribe2] error_log line"

Subscribe2 plugin is not working anymore, it's not sending the emails to registered users. I have this error line in the wordpress error_log: [04-Jan-2013 21:17:43 UTC] Eroare bază de date WordPress...

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