Channel: Topic Tag: plugin | WordPress.org
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leejosepho on "[Plugin: Better WP Security] Plugin interactions - Bulletproof...

What I'd like to understand is whether I'm better off using BWPs on its own... Update: That is actually what I ended up doing, but I cannot now remember where I had read something somewhere about...

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AITpro on "[Plugin: Better WP Security] Plugin interactions - Bulletproof...

@kmexpert - nope did not offend me, but I wanted to get the facts on the page. I try to catch these ASAP and get facts on the page otherwise these things snowball. ;) A perfect example is what...

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Acurax International on "[Plugin: Acurax Social Media Widget] Email button...

Hello, Thanks for being with us, Currently we dont have an email icon, we made the plugin with the most social media services that most people uses, the essential ones. That's the reason we limited....

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Andrew Nevins on "First Pass at a Plugin"

Need the Carfax link be on every vehicle? They're all the same link, so why not have it separate from the vehicles, on the page somewhere? Can you provide a description of what the plugin does in this...

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Hirak Santra on "Plugins error"

I think there are more same functions defined in plugins. Or use ob_start(); error_reporting(0); on the top of function.php

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Johan van der Wijk on "[Plugin: Disable Updates] Wp-admin Slow after installing"

Just to be clear; this plugin is working properly on WordPress version 3.5 and lower. It is downloaded more than 20 times a day and has more than 5800 downloads in total:...

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alchymyth on "First Pass at a Plugin"

not compatible with IE7.

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Niramaya on "[Plugin: AddThis] WordPress Plugin - Pinterest button type,...

Hello – I have Addthis Worspress plugin running with the below configuration as “Custom Button”: <div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style"><a class="addthis_button_facebook_like...

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daeyc on "Dashboard 404 error"

Running 3.5 on a subdomain. When I click on Plugins or Media in dashboard I get http 404 error. All other dashboard functions and menus work fine. URL seems to be correct. Same thing happens regardless...

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yeagerc50 on "First Pass at a Plugin"

Good point Andrew, it doesn't have to be on each record. Alchymyth, you are correct. That's next on the list. The plugin creates a table and inserts the data displayed on the "Inventory" page (as an...

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leejosepho on "[Plugin: Better WP Security] Plugin interactions - Bulletproof...

Cool beans, AITpro, and BPS had not actually caused me any trouble. As a rookie, I was doing my own stumbling around and BPS actually bailed me out at least once! Good Plugin.

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AITpro on "[Plugin: Better WP Security] Plugin interactions - Bulletproof...

Cool! :)

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astroboy907 on "Need a plugin that will rebuild thumbnails with letterbox"

I am looking for a plugin that will rebuild my thumbnails with "letterboxed" sides, allowing the full image to show, but keeping a 1:1 (or possibly others, but 1:1 is something I can work with) aspect...

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fjpoblam on "Plugin available for *Wordpress* like and follow toolbar?"

Easy question. I'm a longtime user of wordpress.com, now moving to my own hosted site using a wordpress.org setup. I see there are several plugins for Facebook like/follow. However, I'm no particular...

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c.ostmo@gmail.com on "Help integrating subscribe2 category subscribe into...

I can't find the documentation and can't otherwise figure out what code submits (in subscribe2) the users to the subscription of a specific category. admin.php in the plugin is the page that allows the...

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JuryDuty on "[Plugin: Paid Memberships Pro] Working with WP Affiliate...

I did a web search and found your code for working with the WP Affiliate Platform Plugin: https://gist.github.com/3137539 Does this work? Is it pretty seamless? One of the key points that's been...

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willhaggerty on "[Plugin: SoundCloud Shortcode] Still needed?"

Do I still need to have this plugin installed with the new integration features being used? http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/soundcloud-shortcode/

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amiyar on "light box doesn't working"

hi..all.. im a newbie to wordpress im using beauty spa theme... but it doesn't support the plugins.. and it also adding the characters like "#!" in the url when i click on the links. when i removed...

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oinkyxp on "Redirect to blank page after update, preview or save plugin setting"

Whenever I edit a post and click on update or preview, it will redirect me to a blank page http://www.xxxx.com/wp-admin/post.php Whenever I edit a plugin setting it will redirect me to a blank page...

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OSDRL Web Master on "Finding the right balance"

Here is my website dedicated to game designing with open source software ! osdrl.com It all seems to work correctly but obviously I am getting to a point where things are getting very tricky for me! I...

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