mattyrob on "[Plugin: Subscribe2] error_log line"
@ardia, The main part of that message that is of importance is "MySQL server has gone away". That means the PHP code most connection to the database server. If it's happening often it's something your...
View Articlemrling on "Change NextGen gallery ID's"
I deleted some previously created galleries, and now when I make a new one with the NextGen plugin, it assigns an ID that I cannot seem to edit. For instance, I only have one gallery, but it assigned...
View Articlegauthma on "[Plugin: mathjax-latex] Only works when viewer is logged in!"
So I set up the mathjax-latex plugin, configured to use MathJax's CDN, and everything works fine. Until, I decided to tweak a couple of MathJax's settings. And everything worked like I hoped... if I...
View Articleemptysquare on "Is there a plugin to make a book-like slideshow with two...
I'm trying to migrate this site to WordPress: You can see it's a book-like slideshow of pairs of images; some spreads have one image, some have...
View Articlegerhardade on "Plugin to display a rotating gallery of youtube video thumbnails"
Qarlo Found your question by searching for the same. Two weeks you've waited for an answer. I guess we'll have to wait a bit more.
View Articlenickth on "[Plugin: CloudFlare] "The plugin does not have a valid header"...
I had the same issue, and am on WP 3.5. I agree with quirkylissy above... shame on CloudFlare for their slowness in taking responsibility and fixing this issue. It's been nearly a month since 3.5 was...
View ArticleRyan Hellyer on "[Plugin: Multi-level Navigation Plugin] Animation doesn't work"
Sorry. I edited a single file and the rest of them just vanished without a trace. I'm not sure why. It should hopefully fixed within the next few minutes. I've been on holiday for the past few weeks...
View Articlejosefarrugia on "Youtube Preview Small"
Greetings All, I have recently noticed that all my old Posts with a YouTube embedded video using Artiss YouTube Embed Plugin and the Jetpack Embedded YouTube feature are no small for some apparent...
View Articlemightyjak on "Easy FancyBox: linking to video file in media library"
Thank you, RavenH! The &rel=0 solved the problem of an endpoint and saved me the trouble of installing a video player at this point. I'd still like to do that in the future, but it works for now.
View Articlepedalingvegetables on "[Plugin: Captcha] How to install plugin?"
Hi, I am using Wordpress ONLY online (i.e. no computer program/modifications that I then upload to Wordpress). Can I still use plugins? Particularly THIS plugin for a contact form on my site? And if...
View ArticleThorHammer on "[Plugin: Simnor Shortcodes] Does it work on multisite?"
Does this plugin work on multisite installations?
View Articlesimnor on "[Plugin: Simnor Shortcodes] Does it work on multisite?"
Should do, I haven't tested it on it, but there's no reason why it shouldn't. Cheers
View Articleshelynx on "[Plugin: Google+/Picasa Upload] google+/picasa Plugin - not...
Wahrscheinlich funktioniert Google+/Picasa Upload nicht mit wordpress 3.5 nach all den Veränderungen - aber vielleicht übersehe ich auch einfach etwas. Nach der Aktivierung des Plugins gibt es...
View Articlemeidosem on "[Plugin: Recent Facebook Posts] Connected but nothing displayed"
First of all, thanks for your plugin ! Very helpful and promising ! I just installed the plugin and I found that only a few of FB recents posts are shown. In fact, just those that are published...
View ArticleDanny van Kooten on "[Plugin: Recent Facebook Posts] Connected but nothing...
Hi meidosem, Been breaking my head why certain posts are skipped by the Facebook API but your conclusion sounds very reasonable. Do you have an example URL of a Facebook page with posts from multiple...
View ArticleJosh on "Global Post Password no longer working?"
Not sure what the issue is, but the plugin still doesn't work for me, with either WP 3.4 or 3.5. Is it working for anyone else?
View ArticleJosh on "Global Post Password no longer working?"
Never mind - my site is having password-related problems even without the plugin. My apologies. Thanks, John.
View ArticleChristopher Finke on "[Plugin: Jetpack by] conflicting plugin"
That list of plugins is not an all-encompassing list of plugins that conflict with Jetpack; it's a list of plugins that, if activate, will cause Jetpack to not include any OpenGraph tags. From the Fast...
View Articlepassegua on "[Plugin: Jetpack by] conflicting plugin"
Great! I understand you're deeply committed in resolving this issue. Many thanks and bet wishes.
View Articleloulantos on "[Plugin: WP Supersized] Limiting Image Sizes?"
This may be an oversight, but I couldn't find a way to tell Supersized to stop picking up all the images in a directory? As it stands, WordPress is generating 3 different sizes for each image, and...
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