AkoZ on "[Plugin: WP Clone by WP Academy] mysql error stops bckp process"
hey, i expect i'm not in way to bother you .. coz "at the very bottom", i 've just seen, not the "use wpdb..etc" .. but that: " Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 28573696) (tried to allocate 36303...
View ArticleLindaV on "[Plugin searched] Subscribtion list/form"
Hi all, I'm currently working on a new wordpress website. Here several activity's/events will be added, the members will need to be able to subscribe for such an event. Does anyone know a way (plugin?)...
View ArticleSaimo_mx70 on "[Plugin: PayHub Plugin For WooCommerce] Unable to save changes...
Good morning, I have installed PayHub Plugin for WooCommerce, and when I go to that payment option and enable it. Fill in all the PayHub information and hit “Save Changes” all the information that I...
View ArticleWaKeMaTTa on "[Plugin: My QuakeNet IRC] I have updated plugin for wordpress...
I updated your plugin to work perfectly wordpress 3.3.x , 3.4.x, 3.5.x Here is the link to upload it. http://www.mediafire.com/?x5hf9w53pu17w6c http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/my-quakenet-irc/
View ArticleJesse Friedman on "[Plugin: WP Mobile Detect] Function to deactivate plugins...
I'd rather see you perform the functions of that plugin only if they are on the correct device. Deactivating a plugin at this point will not solve your problem, nor do I think it is possible. Lets say...
View ArticleVino247 on "[Plugin: MailChimp Widget] customizing field display order in...
I have had no problem installing and tweeking the code of the MailChimp Widget WP plugin to get the look we want. ...With the exception of the display order of the input fields in our subscription form...
View ArticleWP Academy on "[Plugin: WP Clone by WP Academy] mysql error stops bckp process"
that's weird,did you get that after clicking on the 'advanced settings' link?
View Articlechecevo on "[Plugin: Spiffy Calendar] Problem setting widget"
Hi, the plugin is very nice but I need to change the settings of the widget. For the sidebar of my template I need: - Title widget in the center - change color of date - align the event name under the...
View Articleshubham2217 on "Problem while searching for plugin."
When i search or click on a tag,or click on popular to find a plugin i am getting this error message "An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WordPress.org or this server’s...
View Articlejasonayer on "Multisite Google Analytics for WordPress"
I am maintaining Google Analytics accounts on several websites unrelated to each other. I need a plugin or something to display the analytics data from each respective website to its own admin...
View ArticleBenRacicot on "[Plugin: Logo Slider] Problem with arrows"
Yeah samzies. My arrows are also off and to the right, when clicked it sends me to the top of the page? UPDATE: The height needs about 100px space to fit the arrows. I played with the CSS layout and...
View Articleivanboskovic on "[Plugin: Logo Slider] Problem with arrows"
Hello BenRacicot, I hope that someone will help us. :)
View Articleceah on "Updating plugins take me to a 404 page on my site."
No, but I did update my page a couple of weeks ago, and then I got a page that said something about maintenance being performed. I looked up information on wordpress on how to delete the .maintenance...
View ArticleSelfHostedWP.com on "I am having a problem with a few of my posts, not sure...
Check the following 2 files .htaccess wp-config.php to see if there are any codes addded by W3 and uncomment or delete theme. Just compare with the original WordPress installation files.
View Articlecomfortablefood on "I am having a problem with a few of my posts, not sure...
:( Thanks, but there wasn't anything in there. Is that the only thing it could be?
View ArticleSelfHostedWP.com on "I am having a problem with a few of my posts, not sure...
Then check the folder "wp-content" see if you can find these files: advanced-cache.php db.php wp-total-cache-config.php w3tc (this is a folder) Also see if you have enabled sidebar for those pages from...
View ArticleWPyogi on "How do I move 'Easing Slider' plugin?"
Please post a link to your site for help with CSS questions.
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