palmdoc on "[Plugin: BuddyPress Rate Forum Posts] Bug report: Video embedding...
Just the default BP installation - pasting the Youtube URL will auto-embed the URL I have done some troubleshooting and the only solution is to disable the Rate Forum Posts plugin Here's a live post on...
View Articlehugh_dixon on "Banner with Text Plugin for Homepage"
Hi I am looking for a plugin or way to display banners / images with text along side for different product areas on the homepage. To create an effect like this: The...
View Articlecreativeheather on "[Plugin: Gallery Carousel Without JetPack] Cannot set...
I'm very new to WordPress so I have no idea how to do that. If you want to look into it that would be great, but until then I will just try find another carousel plugin to use.
View Articlexstortionist on "[Plugin: WP Glossary] Diacritics"
I created hack that includes terms that start numbers and places them under # symbol. Go here for the hack.
View Articlerobkosinski on "[Plugin: Jetpack by] Lagging my site today...
Thanks for getting back to me. It resolved by the next day. Perhaps it was a WP server communication problem.
View Articlebcworkz on "Using wp_editor in "own" Plugin"
If you want to use the Settings API to manage the content, that is fine, but the value will not be saved into a post, it is saved in options like any other setting. You page should pull the content...
View Articleeveliens on "plugin gone from dashboard"
Sorry, Really I have 2 blogs running on Wordpress, but I'm totally confused and don't know where to start or what to do. I don't have plugins for this blog yet, but I can't add them also. I can't make...
View ArticleWonderful Wanderings on "plugin jquery Pin It button for images doesn't...
Hi there, Two days ago I downloaded the jquery Pin It Button for Images plugin. It worked fine on the images on my blog. Now I just uploaded a new blog post and although the button appears on all of...
View ArticleVitalie on "Plugin Top Authors"
Hello. I own a wordpress site on which we are more authors. I'm searching for a plugin to make a top of authors not in fonction of number of posts (quantity), but on the views (popularity). I saw...
View Articleyashar20 on "WPML Multilingual CMS"
Hello, I am web developer i am in process of updating my current which was done with HTML, CSS, PHP, JAVA SCRIPT, to WordPress Platform, i have installed latest wordpress then installed several plugins...
View Articlepapa019 on "Searching for a plugin to manage a bycicle storage"
Hy everyone! I'd like to use a WP based site for bycicle storage management, but I can't find the plugin for it. I tried some booking plugins, but they ar for daily or weekly reservations. :/ The...
View ArticleBlubsi on "Using wp_editor in "own" Plugin"
Thanks alot for your reply bcworkz! For everyone who encounters the same issue: function setting_editor_fn() { $options = get_option('plugin_options'); $args = array("textarea_name" =>...
View ArticleDaniel on "[Plugin: SoundCloud Is Gold] Changing Color Scheme"
Hello I see that soundcloud is being embedded with an iframe. Would there still be a way for me to edit the color scheme of the player to look something like this?: Could this be...
View Articlesingle99 on "[Plugin: wp-creator-calculator] Parse error: syntax error,...
I have the same error too
View ArticleKrishna on "How do I add a plugin?"
These forums are for self-hosted sites using software from WordPress.ORG. Your host is WordPress.COM. So, please post your question at:
View ArticleCipiko3 on "Anti-spam plugin"
Hi everyone, I have a wordpress website and I receive a lot of trash comments from random people saying random stuff... In my website I don't even have a comment section, they just come from nowhere Do...
View Articlewebvitaly on "Anti-spam plugin"
You may try anti-spam plugin. It blocks spam in comments without captcha and without moderation queues. It is very easy to use: just install and it just works.
View Articleivanboskovic on "[Plugin: Logo Slider] Problem with arrows"
Hello everyone, I have a problem with arrows in this plugin. I put in Logo Slider all the images, and there is shown only that number of images that i said in settings, and I can't use arrows. Every...
View ArticleDumbo16556 on "Pinboard theme - changing sidebars per page does not work"
Hello out there, i try to add different sidebars to different pages using the pinboard theme and the plugin: Simple Page Sidebars. Unfortunately the sidebars only change if you use the standard...
View Articleellenwpsinger on "Plugin to display Partner Logos"
Hello all! I'm building a wordpress website for my family business. I've seen in a lot of websites, usually in the footer area, like a news ticker thing, where logos of partners,sponsors or clients...
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