dcrowe13 on "[Plugin: Etsy Shop] API reponse should be HTTP 200"
Running 0.9.2. I updated before I posted here.
View Articlefsheedy on "[Plugin: Etsy Shop] API reponse should be HTTP 200"
Hi, I don't want to be annoying, but with version 0.9.2, Debug output should start with something like --- Etsy Request URL --- Your debug output start with: Etsy Shop Debug Mode . Wich suppose that...
View Articledcrowe13 on "[Plugin: Etsy Shop] API reponse should be HTTP 200"
No annoyance at all. I am sure, however, that I'm running 0.9.2. Screenshot
View Articleldi on "Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature"
When I try to install the new plugin or make update of plugin, the package could not be installed. there is message : "PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT" (-10): Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature....
View Articleworldrider on "[Plugin: Email Users] Plugin Conflict With Custom Menu"
Ahh. Hi Mike - Shoulda done that. Mac OS X 10.7.5 and Safari 6.0.1 Glad the screencast was helpful.
View ArticleMike Walsh on "[Plugin: Email Users] Plugin Conflict With Custom Menu"
I have replicated the behavior shown in the screen cast in my development environment (a Win7 VM running Firefox, IIS, PHP 5.3.5, WordPress 3.4.2). What is odd is there are no Javascript errors or...
View Articlefsheedy on "[Plugin: Etsy Shop] API reponse should be HTTP 200"
Ok, should have more debug info with version 0.9.3. I did some corrections/addition to debug mode. Please update!
View Articleworldrider on "[Plugin: Email Users] Plugin Conflict With Custom Menu"
Agreed. Very weird. Took me a while to drill down and find the conflict; wouldn't have even guessed it considering I have several other JS and jquery plugins that would've been more suspect. Good luck.
View Articledcrowe13 on "[Plugin: Etsy Shop] API reponse should be HTTP 200"
got it. lot's more info for you over on the site now. Let me know what steps, if any, I can take. Thanks!
View Articlefsheedy on "[Plugin: Etsy Shop] API reponse should be HTTP 200"
Seem that shop section 7388789 not exist. Where you take this number? Available for your shop: 12348438 (t-shirts) 12497441 (stickers) 12505006 (accessories)
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The free version of WPtouch Pro does not allow for customizations beyond what's provided in the admin panels nor does it allow for child theme capability where your custom code persists through...
View ArticleMike Walsh on "[Plugin: Email Users] Plugin Conflict With Custom Menu"
The conflict is caused by this on line 500 of email-users.php: wp_enqueue_script('post'); I am not sure why that is causing it to hiccup but commenting out that line fixes the problem. I am not sure...
View Articlebcworkz on "Custom post type and front page submission."
1. Can't be done from shortcode. Shortcode is executed when it is encountered in content. By then, the head has been sent and closed, and the body opened. Do what you need in head from your plugin. 2....
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Tried this plugin but the video is only displaying black screen?
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I'm building a plugin that'll use custom slugs to essentially create a URL shortener. Right now I've got a new table that'll house the slugs so that when someone goes to, say, domain.com/xyz, I need to...
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Hi! I am not too familiar with PHP, so I apologize in advance if this question is obvious. How can I change the visual aspect of the plugin? I am looking to make the h3 title much smaller, and aligned...
View Articleworldrider on "[Plugin: Email Users] Plugin Conflict With Custom Menu"
Interesting. Well, thanks for the effort and keep us posted. For now, I just deactivate temporarily if I need to make a menu change, fortunately not that often.
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I see a problem in Publicize. My web is in Spanish language, and when I use special characters at the title of the post (!, á, é, etc.), the sharing in Wordpress appears with the HTML code of it (for...
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