dgsmedley on "Caravan Question - Looking for Wordpress Plugin/Theme"
Hi, I've been asked by a friend to build a website for a Caravan business that needs following: Payments Not booking by room but Caravan name Variable pricing depending on time of year booked Any...
View Articlewebvitaly on "Anti-spam plugin does not function"
You will not see 'year question' visually, you could only see 2 extra inputs in the html source of the page. More info how anti-spam plugin works. Anti-spam plugin does not add website-area to comment...
View Articlevijay29 on "[Plugin: UltimateAdminSms] plugin does not work"
This plugin does not work after entering user id & password to the given SMS provider vijay http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/ultimateadminsms/
View ArticleSeth Carstens on "[Plugin: SM Gallery] Where to put css filter, also modal...
If you are still available and using the plugin, can I get a link to where your trying to use it. I finally have some time to update the code. I think you wanted 2 things: 1. Ability to disable plugins...
View Articlelaselvadoro on "[Plugin: WP Catalogue] header disappears on single product page"
the website is http://www.idecksystems.com - now if you click on PRODOTTI and then you choose one product, the header menu disappears... I'd love it to stay there. Still working on english translation,...
View Articledemoman2k10 on "Need Simple Plugin That lists local stuff for sale?"
Looking for the same thing... Anything out there???
View Articlepeakpp on "How to translate output from plugin"
I use a plugin called Social Mobile Platform plugin. In it is a folder called language, and inside it there are 2 files, social-mobile-en_GB.po, social-mobile-en_GB.mo. This means there is already...
View Articlekris_IV on "[Plugin: Facebook] App ID always empty..."
I think a lot about it and try do it 100 times. Maybe is possible to write this APP ID and App Secret in file manually? But where this plugin keep this information? I really don't have idea... I look...
View Articlekillerdeveloper on "[Plugin: Font - official webfonts plugin. NO CODING! Just...
You can try resetting Font's settings on it's admin page Appearance->Font
View Articlemuhammad adnan on "w3 total cache error"
Hi, I'm having an error "The unsuccessful transfer quer has unresolved errors. Empty the queue to restore normal operation." My site is Howbees and my wordpress version is latest and updated avaiable...
View Articlethirteencentpinball on "[Plugin: Twitter Widget Pro] Customizing your awesome...
No probs! And of course that also works with margins too.
View Articlequantaweb on "Backup to S3 without too high CPU usage?"
I've been using UpdraftPlus to create daily backups of my site without any issues. Then we moved to a new host and they disabled the plugin because they claimed it was using too much CPU to run. The...
View Articlerhouk on "Jetpack Subscription form"
The Jetpack Subscription plug-in does not seem to accept email addresses with periods in them (i.e. your.name@yourdomain.com). I have a reader who is trying to subscribe, but they never receive the...
View ArticleWPyogi on "Jetpack Subscription form"
You need to post on the JetPack specific sub-forum: http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/jetpack
View Articledecentguy49 on "Images Not Showing Up In MobiePress Plugin"
I am using MobilePress plugin on my website to make my website mobile friendly, but when website is loaded in mobile its not showing up images at all.
View ArticleWPyogi on "Images Not Showing Up In MobiePress Plugin"
You need to post here: http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/mobilepress (and please stop posting links to your site in other threads - that's against the forum guidelines -...
View Articlemayuxi on "How to report a plugin for the violation of Plugin Developer...
Hello! I'm curious if there is any way to report plugin for deletion from plugin repository? We have a few threads on this topic in AdRotate support forum:...
View Articleesmi on "How to report a plugin for the violation of Plugin Developer...
I'm not 100% convinced that the plugin's author is violating the guidelines given that the free version is still usable as evidenced by http://www.adrotateplugin.com/features/ and, according to the...
View Articlemayuxi on "How to report a plugin for the violation of Plugin Developer...
OK, thanks for the reply. Here is discussion about which features has been removed from free version, and now only available in PRO-version without any warning/notice from plugin's author. - the...
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