SCO7TY on "Rotating Tweets (Twitter widget and shortcode) Not rotating"
Any ideas why my plugin wouldn't be rotating on my home page? thanks
View Articleegyart on "[Plugin: Automatic Youtube Video Posts Plugin] PLUGIN STOP WORKING"
PLUGIN STOP WORKING Total Videos Imported: 0 Attempting to download videos 1 through 50 from channel: "BBC" Feed URL for this query:...
View Articlebestwebsoft on "[Plugin: Captcha] How to install plugin?"
Hello pedalingvegetables, It is not clear, what you mean. Wordpress are using online. Regards.
View ArticleGirltrotteuse on "[Plugin: Animated weather widget by] The...
The widget doesn't appear in my side bar. I wrote : Paris, France and try to live it empty to autodetect user's location but nothing appear on the website, it's blank. How can I fix it ?...
View ArticleApplian Technologies, Inc. on "[Plugin: Vixy YouTube Embed and Download]...
No further contact. Assuming resolved. Applian.
View ArticleGirltrotteuse on "[Plugin: Google Weather 4 WP] Only Portuguese cities ..."
I tried to install this plugin but they only show me cities of Portugal ... can you help me fixing it ?
View Articlecrashjohnson on "Shortcode to switch content if mobile or desktop"
As it turns out, for me, my theme was responsive and I can just modify some css to hid/unhide divs based on screen size. Thank you @ dylanfeltusdesign and @der-mali for your contributions. I'm sure...
View Articlegotsanity on "wp_get_nav_menu_items() showing not defined with all menu slugs"
ricoh, you sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. It worked as expected. Now just to debug some css inheritance issue and I should be able to get a working model running shortly. Thanks for the help.
View ArticleAlperian on "Authors suddenly missing from posts"
I have the same issue except that no authors are showing. When I look at the code (firebug) for the table entry it contains: <td class="author column-author"> <a...
View Articleesmi on "Authors suddenly missing from posts"
@Alperian: As per the Forum Welcome, please post your own topic. Posting in an existing topic prevents us from being able to track issues by topic. Added to which, your problem - despite any similarity...
View ArticleMartin Tod on "Rotating Tweets (Twitter widget and shortcode) Not rotating"
The normal cause of tweets not rotating is multiple installations of jQuery. That's almost certainly the problem here, because jQuery gets installed twice - and the second installation overwrites the...
View Articlegotsanity on "Overriding the css of a theme from a plugin"
I am building a menu plugin that utilizes jquery and css to style and interact with a custom menu. The plugin works as intended in the default theme but in most other themes there are lots of issues...
View Articlezyco187 on "Looking for image gallery plugin"
i have been searching for an image gallery plugin that is something like this. so my viewers can look thru my photos easier. does anyone know of one thanks...
View Articleinitialhit on "[Plugin: Another Wordpress Classifieds Plugin] Plugin widget...
Hey, got it work... but it's not as simple as you put it. So how WP handles stuff in the footer made it fun. First and foremost... wordpress core manipulates it, your theme of choice has a hand in...
View Articleinitialhit on "[Plugin: Another Wordpress Classifieds Plugin] Plugin widget...
I decided I didn't want text associated, so I also commented out these two lines like such: //$html_title = "<strong>$ad_title</strong>"; //$html_excerpt = $show_excerpt ?...
View Articleinitialhit on "[Plugin: Another Wordpress Classifieds Plugin] Plugin widget...
and instead of firebug, you can use inspect element in chrome as well ;)
View Articlequimica1 on "jetpack plugin"
How do I install jetpack plugin in my blog in order to see the statistics in my i-phone. At he left side of the blog it does not appear the term "plugin" The blog is
View ArticleAaddie on "Product catalog plugin suggestions required"
I'm looking for a plugin that let's me create a database/catalog of products, similar to a shopping cart, but I do not need the checkout/pricing part. I just need to show all the products with the...
View Articlealchymyth on "jetpack plugin"
your site is with - therefor please ask at this forum is only for problems; the difference:
View ArticleGrimmonator on "Going form a form to a post. And more."
Hello everyone, I currently run the site and was hoping to get some help from the community on some trivial questions I have. I use wordpress version 3.5.1 and update...
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