nli on "[Plugin: Tweets As Posts] Plugin doesn't post tweets"
Thanks venkmanuk, but that was not the problem. As you see, I used such a tag in one of the tweets to try how it works but it didn't appear in blog (it later did, when I reverted back to Twitter...
View Articleyodibashi on "show thumbnails in any theme"
Hello, I think this site is not wordpress: But I was triggered because of the thumbnails at the bottom. (air/vogel/freisinger). Are there plugins who can do the same at wordpress...
View ArticleNagaraj on "[Plugin: RSS in Page] How to Remove RSS Post Time"
Hello Everybody. i have used RSS-in-page plugin. Everything is fine....It showing title/date/time. But the question is I dont want time to display so how it possible . My rss feed have to show only...
View ArticleJef Jones on "[Plugin: byBrick Columns] Non-responsive columns in Responsive...
Hi. Check this plugin out. Might do the trick: "Easily create fluid, responsive column layouts".
View Articlecregy on "Contact Over a plugin"
Hi Not sure who to ask on this one. I built a plugin a while ago called crm and am on the verge of updating the plugin but don't know how to access the plugin account. It was set up for me by the...
View ArticleoddslifeBIZ on "play 2 vdo clips at the same time"
Hi There, I'm kinna new to wordpress and still learning new to use wordpress. I've been looking around the web for plugins and ways to get 2 vdo files to start playing after the play button has been...
View Articlegeopcgeo on "Need to login from a specific LDAP group only."
Hello Please let us know is there any plugin or an option in wordpress so that users can login from a particular LDAP group only. We have LDAP structure as follows: dc=ldapserver,dc=local (4) cn=admin...
View Articlekonkordpl on "[Plugin: Facebook] Post to author timeline authentication"
I've got the same problem. Facebook plugin works perfectly with admin account but with editor's account posts aren't submited to facebook fanpage. Any ideas?
View Articlestickypod on "[Plugin: WordPress SEO by Yoast] Sitemap not working in Version...
Same here. I have parsing errors and index not listed.
View Articlemackx on "I like Fanwood and I want to make it work! helpout before I...
Hi.! I'm using fanwood child theme. I want to remove some widget areas from index page. is there any plugin or any other method to remove widgets from home page?
View Articledigitalfredy on "[Plugin: Facebook] Publish to fan page not works"
Hi In Publish to fan page i get: [disabled] I do the reinstall of the plugin and i delete and made a new facebook app, not works :(
View ArticleElTioRufi on "[Plugin: WP Facebook Open Graph protocol] Error in pages and...
First, sorry for my poor english. I have errors in pages that doesn't have any image. Also, if I do a search, and no result is found, I have the same error: For example:...
View ArticleChuck Reynolds on "[Plugin: WP Facebook Open Graph protocol] Error in pages...
Whoa... so it seems it's having an issue pulling your post ID... which doesn't make sense unless something's wrong with your template code... or core WP files were altered. Facebook is puling an image...
View ArticleU8IK on "Advanced search form with filters for custom taxonomies and custom...
Few aproapches hinted on SE/WP
View Articledt3000 on "[Plugin: WordPress SEO by Yoast] Sitemap not working in Version...
Same here...webmaster tools cannot read the sitemaps because site map_index.xml is no longer there.
View Articleazulay5600 on "open a link"
Hi I can not open a link from my website. It's a little weird action may be performed incorrectly. See this announcement as it appears. ClickBank Logo This site is no longer in service or has been...
View Articlegschmid on "How to uninstall Twitter Tools plugin completely?"
Is there any easy way to uninstall Twitter Tools plugin completely, i. e. including everything it created in the database?
View ArticleMJMarcell on "open a link"
azulay5600, can you provide a link to the website where you're having this problem?
View Articlewvred03 on "[Plugin: Social] Not broadcasting"
I just added this plugin and am wondering why it is not broadcasting my posts. Is there a lag time? If so what is it? I posted and broadcast about 3 hours ago. I have disconnected and reconnected in...
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