cpclemens on "In Need of Ideas to Perform Task"
Hey all, I'm not exactly new to WP, but definitely still an amatuer. I have a new blog that I've built (www.ExploringUpstate.com) and I'd like to have a feature that I can't seem to be able to make...
View Articlerichards1052 on "[Plugin: MailChimp List Subscribe Form] Plugin throwing 500...
Thank you. It works now. What a relief!
View Articleochyuo on "[Plugin: The Events Calendar] I can't install the events calendar...
Hello, I have a problem with plugin installation. Until yesterday I had the plugin running with wordpress 3.8.1. Yesterday I updated my wordpress to 3.9. After that, wordpress doesn't recognize the...
View ArticleRossMitchell on "In Need of Ideas to Perform Task"
Unfortunately coding is unavoidable if you want to do this. Have you tried asking in the support forum for this plugin ?
View ArticleNrichSystems on "Not able to commit on SVN"
I am trying to publish a plugin. But when I commit, it gives an error Access to '/!svn/txr/993701-m5mc/carousel-for-awesome-filterable-portfolio/trunk/resources' forbidden Am I doing something wrong?
View Articlesay_hello on "display results of a openstreetmap-request in a...
i am interested in running requests to openstreetmap - api i want to display the results in a wordpress-plugin - eg connections the following request will be done - to a. overpass-api or b....
View ArticleNrichSystems on "Not able to commit on SVN"
I was using the WordPress username as it is. SVN worked with all small chars
View Articleboldt on "[Plugin: Recent Posts FlexSlider] How to change the CSS"
I am trying to integrate your Plugin in a TwentyTwelve Theme, but I need to change the style of the title below the image. How do I do it? https://wordpress.org/plugins/recent-posts-flexslider/
View ArticleKanger on "Fusion Core Plugin won't install"
Hello I've installed the Avada theme which requires the Fusion Core plugin, when I try to install it I get the error message: Download failed. A valid URL was not provided. Any ideas? Thanks in advance...
View ArticleSeksKonijn on "[Theme: Carton] embed problem"
Hello, I'm using the Advanced Responsive Video Embedder-plugin on my Wordpress site (NSFW adult content). The plugin works fine on the default theme, but on the Carton theme, embeds from xtube.com...
View Articlevadimak17 on "Question about multi form"
i used quforms but how can i make that the person inputs number of stuff and the i the price will depend on that number ? for example he enters 2 total would be 18 or 10 total qould be 90
View Articlecpclemens on "In Need of Ideas to Perform Task"
I have been in touch with the developer who said it wasn't a feature that he wanted to include. You think it would be worth posting and maybe another WP-er might have input?
View ArticleKudosmed on "Landing page to funnel to other parts of the site"
Hey everyone, I would like to create a landing page for a website that has multiple events in different states... Ideally on the landing page a brief description about each event would be provided...
View ArticleStacyCosham on "Looking to create clickable icons"
Hi I have been asked to create a website for a friend who runs a business. She wants to have clickable images on a static page that can be clickable and takes you to another static page on the website...
View ArticleStacyCosham on "Looking for recommendations"
Hi, I am creating a website for a small business who offer cake decorating classes. I am new to wordpress and finding my way around. can anyone recommend a theme that can help me present their website...
View ArticleSpitt on "[REQUEST] BBPress Trade Feedback"
I am looking for a plugin for BBPress which works for trade feedback. For example, 2 people trade an item in a forum, the exchange goes well, the transaction is marked as complete, and then both people...
View Articlevonie on "Looking for recommendations"
Customizr theme I would recommend or the twenty twelve is good, a lot of nice themes it's a questions of trial and error. Clickable images: add a link via kitchen sink, click on image then link icon in...
View ArticleApeka.org on "I am looking for a way to insert text in a post from another...
Hello everybody, I want to copy text from certain websites and insert it into an automatic post, for example, if I type a URL in a text box, it will automatically paste the images and text of the...
View ArticleChris Dillon on "I am looking for a way to insert text in a post from another...
Something like https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-web-scrapper/ or https://wordpress.org/plugins/web-scraper-shortcode/?
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