Channel: Topic Tag: plugin | WordPress.org
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spike2011 on "Add additional features to WordPress"

0 down vote favorite Basically, I have a website (http://allwebsitetools.com/) operated with WordPress. I have been trying to add two things, but I couldn't. One is I would like to add the download and...

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Matcha Labs on "[Plugin: Meta Slider] Error 101 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET)"

Hi Tita, The only sure fire way to do it is to set your slideshow size to the same size as your images. Meta Slider "wants" to make sure all of your slides are the same size, so it will scale down and...

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John L on "[Plugin: Civil Footnotes] Not all quotes are becoming footnotes"

I am using the same technique for each footnote, yet some become footnotes and some remain ((...)) Here is the webpage. http://health.glutenfreeworks.com/2013/05/24/celiac-disease/ Please advise....

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esmi on "adding a custom text box to a theme via plugin"

No - not quite. Try something like: function my_the_content_filter($content) { if ( is_home() ) { $content = [insert markup etc]; } return $content; } add_filter( 'the_content', 'my_the_content_filter' );

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TitaSofia on "[Plugin: Meta Slider] Error 101 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET)"

Hi Tom, Thanks for answering... I understand that, but if I do it that way, I won't be able to see the picture at its first size, so i'd have to upload every picture twice, one with the size of the...

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Austin Sweeney on "[Plugin: Civil Footnotes] Not all quotes are becoming...

Hi John, I don't see any footnotes on that page. Are you putting a space before the start of the footnote? That's a common mistake. If that's not it, can you elaborate or provide an example? Thanks,...

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menecez on "WordPress (Simple) Email Ticket Support System"

i bought and installed this plugin and all dropdown menus stop working either front and backend

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WPyogi on "WordPress (Simple) Email Ticket Support System"

If it's a commercial plugin, you need to contact the developer/vendor for help.

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Hugh Lashbrooke on "[Plugin: WooCommerce Email Validation] Bug - When email...

I have just published v1.1 of the plugin - it will now check both fields case-insensitively (i.e. capital letters won't make any difference). The update should be available in your WordPress dashboard...

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menecez on "WordPress (Simple) Email Ticket Support System"

yes it is and i did contact the developer but i just wanna know if some else had a similar issue

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Austin Sweeney on "[Plugin: Civil Footnotes] Not all quotes are becoming...

John, I took a closer look, and my best guess is it has something to do with your paywall. Since I can't see the rest of your article, I can't diagnose the problem here. Though I would guess whatever...

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tstruyf on "understanding wpMandrill:mail"

I'm trying to use mpmandrill in my plugin. I'm trying to sent a mail with a specific template. I guess it should be possible using wpMandrill::mail . But I don't seems to find any examples or...

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Das Capitolin on "What plugin is best for creating many-paged posts?"

Actually, this is the plugin I should have linked: http://wordpress.org/plugins/multi-page-toolkit/

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JB26 on "How to add a product via frontend in woocommerce?"

anyone figure out how to get it to post to product_cat without http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-user-frontend ?

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squabster on "Unique password codes for members"

Does anybody know if there a plugin, or another option that can give a unique code to someone who signs up with my site to give them access to a protected page/section of the site?

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troiaportugal on "Backup plugin"

I am looking for a good plugin for my site about Troia. What I am looking is something that: - can perform backups at a specified hour - sends me an email with the resulting backup (in order to let me...

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ahikmahin on "How to add a product via frontend in woocommerce?"

Check This Tutorial - http://docs.wedevs.com/woocommerce-with-wp-user-frontend-pro-tutorial-part-1/

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Dharator on "How to or is there a plugin for this"

I want something like this site: http://www.addic7ed.com/show/1245 when you hit the button to switch season the current code disapears and the new season content appaears and viceversa, is there a...

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JacksonPearce on "Anyone recognize this plugin?"

Does anyone recognize this events plugin? I love it, but haven't found anything like it. It's exactly what I need! http://www.thehillywoodshow.com/tour-2/

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ClaytonJames on "Anyone recognize this plugin?"

It's difficult to tell what feature you're interested in without some sort of feature description in your question, however looking at the source code it appears that only plugin that's obviously...

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