WPyogi on "Looking for a Plugin for newspaper subscription"
Try this : http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wysija-newsletters/ (and please do not bump here - it's only been an hour and these are volunteer forums...)
View Articleyoung G on "Looking for a Plugin for newspaper subscription"
Thank you so much for that. I hope, it is what i want.
View ArticleUiPoka on "What plugin is this ?"
Hi I was looking for a plugin which will let me put my posts images share code like this site has. Its a adult site that's why I am sharing the screenshot of the image share code box...
View Articletouqir76 on "Wordpress Categories not indexing"
i install google sitemap generator plugin all of my post indexed but my categories is not show in google please guide ... website: http://dramasonlinetv.com
View ArticleAkilez on "[Plugin: Tinypass] Tinepass plugin split pay"
To my knowledge, there is not currently any place to download my revisions to the TinyPass WordPress plugin. However, I can help you to obtain the modifications you need. It is obvious you know how to...
View Articlehenriksandstrom on "Need help - Video Sitemap"
Hi, I recently downloaded the Google XML Sitemap for Videos. http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/xml-sitemaps-for-videos/ The plugin worked fine for me on my previous host. But I needed more bandwidth...
View Articlemfisc on "[Plugin: Log Viewer] Plugin could not be activated :("
Sorry for late response. Havenˋt got notifications for new questions. Anyway, there was a problem wich should be solved with latest version. Could you please try to install and give some feedback? If...
View Articlegrgbyny on "[Plugin: Easy Add Thumbnail] It won't work with certain images"
Hi, I've installed Easy Add Thumbnail on two sites. On one site it works flawlessly, on the other though it won't work with certain images, no matter what. All the images are in the media library, JPG...
View Articlemaroc1994 on "Media list"
hello, I have a on my nav menu a menu called media. In the media menu there will be videos and recitations and other music files. but i want to make a clear list. Like this:...
View ArticleSamuel Aguilera on "[Plugin: Easy Add Thumbnail] It won't work with certain...
From FAQ: Can I use this plugin for setting featured image using some image not attached to the post? No. This plugin uses only standard WordPress functions to set the featured image. And using this...
View Articlegrgbyny on "[Plugin: Easy Add Thumbnail] It won't work with certain images"
Thanks for your reply! I read the FAQ and searched the forum before posting. The paragraph you quote doesn't give an explanation. All the images I'm talking about are attached to the post the same way,...
View Articlewhitelies on "[Plugin: Digg Digg] make the position fixed for social sharing...
I would like to know this as well.
View ArticleSamuel Aguilera on "[Plugin: Easy Add Thumbnail] It won't work with certain...
I'm not uploading them though from the edit post screen, I choose them from the media library, but my method should be just as good. Like I said, plugin only works when the image was uploaded from the...
View ArticleJeff Farthing on "[Plugin: Theme My Login] TML settings tab disappeared -...
TML uses the native add_menu_page function, without specifying a position.
View Articlegrgbyny on "[Plugin: Easy Add Thumbnail] It won't work with certain images"
Thank you, Samuel! You helped me a lot to understand how it works. You are only partly right though. It turns out that you can insert an image from the media library and the plugin still works as long...
View Articlemar1965 on "Is there a LinkedIn comments plugin?"
Hi, I've seen a number of social plugins although haven't really tried any. This one looks interesting/promising: Login Radius for WordPress, although isn't just specific to LinkedIn commenting.
View Articlemibuthu on "[Plugin: Event List] Remove Events Widget from Events Page"
I think you have already change the event page to a one column template. Did you still need some help?
View Articlefernandolawl on "Looking for Plugin that expands"
Anyone? Week 2 (^_^) I've been looking around and still can't seem to find one. If anyone has one, please let me know. Thank you!
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