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mmhetherington on "Image map displays rectangles - how do I hide them?"


I have an image map that I am displaying on the right of each page. The HTML code for the image map is inserted in a Content Block. The Content Block is inserted in the Main Sidebar using a Widget. I am using the Responsive Theme.

My problem is that underneath the image itself are a series of rectangles. Clicking on a rectangle under the image performs the same function as clicking an area of the image (i.e. it opens a new page).

I'm new to image maps, so I have no idea how to hide or remove these areas. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

My code looks like this:

<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1506" alt="Learning Centre Menu" src="http://website.address.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Library-Menu.png" width="249" height="796" usemap="#Map1" />
<map name="Map1" id="Map1">
<area shape="rect" coords="0,0,30,168" href="http://website.address.au/?p=1131" />
<area shape="rect" coords="0,171,31,361" href="http://website.address.au/?p=1145" />
<area shape="rect" coords="0,360,32,463" href="http://website.address.au/?p=1176" />

Thank you
M Hetherington

kevinfraser on "[Plugin: Media Library Assistant] PDF Metadata Mapping"


David I love the plugin and it looks very promising, but I seem to have a problem.

I either am deficient in understanding how to use the feature, or there is some other reason it doesn't work as the documentation describes. I have carefully read and re-read all the documentation I could find that seems relevant. I have tried it with a new wordpress installation with only the MLA plugin enabled to eliminate any kind of plugin interaction possibility.

I have a collection of only PDF files, all "purely" authored in latest version of Adobe Acrobat Pro CS6, so the PDF files themselves are as canonical I think as possible. Each has had metadata input using Acrobat. I have confirmed that Acrobat shows this metadata both in the first Acrobat 'Document Info' screen, and echoed to its 'Additional Metadata' button/tabs that are supposed to somehow use XML to handle both EXIF and IPTC fields. I have also verified the presence of the metadata using the independent PDFtk command line tool (q.v.:)
( http://www.pdflabs.com/docs/pdftk-man-page )

My point is the metadata is filled in everywhere I can find that it should be and I can demonstrate it's in these PDF files somewhere!

I cannot FOR THE LIFE of me figure out any mode or method to get the MLA to see any of that metadata in any of those PDF attachments, either during upload or using the MLA IPTC/EXIF tab to any standard Wordpress field or Category or Tag fields.

I am intrigued by the ALL_EXIF and ALL_ITPC fields, but I can't figure out from the documentation how I would use them to see this metadata in the PDF files: an example expressed as an [MLA-GALLERY] shortcode would be most appreciated.

SUMMARY: Demonstrably populated EXIF (and/or) ITPC metadata fields in a latest version Adobe-created PDF file, but seemingly unable to see that metadata using MLA plugin with any method I've discovered (so far).

Any ideas? I'm looking forward to slapping myself in the forehead over something cravenly simple.


kevinfraser on "[Plugin: Media Library Assistant] PDF Metadata Mapping"


An idea occurred to me that Wordpress may not be at the bleeding edge of PDF authoring, so I tried converting one of the files to the Archivable ("/A") Acrobat 5 PDF 1.4 format. I verified the presence of the metadata, via Acrobat and also the PDFtk command line tool. Same result: no apparent visibility of any metadata in the PDF files via the MLA plugin. Is there a way you know of to test the Wordpress image meta function? That is probably the first place to look. Please let me know if you would like a test PDF file from me.

brightestspark on "WordPress SEO stops WP-Minify from working"


I had the same problem. When I disabled "Force rewrite titles" in Yoast WordPress SEO, it started working again.

Andrew Nevins on "Editing colors on my wordpress website"


Try removing this:

	background:#fadc57 url(images/taxicab-formbg.png) repeat-x;

in your Child Theme style.cs file

geordiejack on "Editing colors on my wordpress website"


I haven't made a child theme because I've been using the custom css plugin to make edits

What will this do?


harush on "Custom post type - creating custom content?"



I got a plugin with a custom post type and I would like to control that content is displays when accessed. For example: I got a music post type, so when people access its URL (let's say http://www.example.com/music?daft-punk) I would like to have a unique content displayed just before the real post's content.

Is that possible? If so, how can I do it?

geordiejack on "Editing colors on my wordpress website"


I tried it but it didn't make a change.

Very frustrating why the color won't change with a simple edit... there must be something overriding it.

And the third footer widget disappeared which is strange.

Andrew Nevins on "Editing colors on my wordpress website"


Sorry I meant the Custom CSS plugin - not Child Theme style.css file.

Can you clarify what you want changed on the website?

geordiejack on "Editing colors on my wordpress website"


brilliant the footer came back after I tried removing this

	background:#fadc57 url(images/taxicab-formbg.png) repeat-x;

all I need now is to get the original color blue back in these 2 areas
- The menu items such as Home, News and About us
- The yellow body section

trivious on "Images stopped showing up in a specific theme within posts only"


I am using ZeeBusiness by ZeeThemes. They will not support me without paying in any way.

With that said. I removed my W3 Cache plugin today by accident. When I did, all of the images in my galleries and posts disappeared. They still exist on the server and if I change my theme they show up. However I have done so many customizations that I really want to keep using this theme.

So far I've:
Reinstalled W3 Supercache plugin <-- Didnt fix it
Backed up my theme folder via FTP and reinstalled <-- Did not fix it

Can anyone help me out?

Andrew Nevins on "Editing colors on my wordpress website"


Are you using a caching plugin? I still see that ".signup" style in your Custom CSS.

Melanthe on "Problem with scheduler after update WP missed schedule plugin?"


Hi is anyone else having problems after updating to the latest version of WP Missed Schedule? I have just updated the plugin and found that my blog started publishing all the posts i had scheduled for the coming weeks...Had to put them all back to "concept" to stop this.

(had updated the Jetpack plugin at the same time, but WP missed scheduler is more likely to cause the problem)

crtnycrk on "[Plugin: List category posts] Thumnail left, Title and Excerpt right!"


Re: warmax356

I'm sorry I have no idea how to address the Header 3/seperate line thing. I understand what it is you want, but I have no idea how to make it happen. I'm a noob too. All I can say is google is your friend and the feeling you get when you finally figure something that should be small like that out is indescribable! Good Luck.

Re: RoyHanney

You want to type the CSS code at the very end of your Theme Stylesheet, meaning scroll down to the very end then copy paste. ONLY DO THIS WITH A CHILD THEME. If you want to see how mine turned out here: http://courtblanche.com/explore/

zizorro on "Figero Theme Problems"


Hi guys,

I use the Figero theme on http://www.berater-richtig-nutzen.de.
Additionally I want to add a Newsletter-Registration by Cleverreach (I have an account and installed the plugin on WP).

Everytime I add the source code no matter where, the whole TOP FEATURE AREA of the theme disappears (Logo+Picture). This happens even if I add the newsletter feature to the footer.

Somehow the Cleverreach plugin and the theme don't seem to work togehter.

Any ideas?

Thanks a lot.

esmi on "Figero Theme Problems"

brisus on "Case Switch/Selection Menu to Display Specific Content"


Hi guys,
I'm in search of a possible plugin to allow a user to select an option from a dropdown menu, and whatever they select, it'll show information specific to that item that was selected.

I have a table with information for 3 different counties, which means that for each item depending on the county, will have different information.

Here's an example that a client liked on this website's right rail bar--http://timetorecycle.org/ It lists 3 dropdowns and when you select an item on "What do I do with...?", it'll show a pop-up window with the information specific to that county.

I was wondering if there is something I can utilize into the page content to do something similar (not necessary a pop-up window, but just show the info the person selected)?

Does this make sense? I can't seem to find anything. Closest thing I can do is use tabs or an accordian for each county and list EVERYTHING under neath, which would be VERY VERY long with the amount of content I have.

Krishna on "Multiple Page Form Plugin"

Bourke08 on "Best way to add pages that display individual user meta?"


Hello all,

I'm simply looking for some advice on what steps are required to make user bio pages.

It's for a networking group I'm in. I'm currently using WP-Members and Member List plugins.

WP-Members is what allows the members to log in on the front-end and manage their information. Member List created a directory that lists all our members on a particular page.

The problem is, that within the directory, you can't click on a company or person for a full-page of information.

What would be the best way to accomplish this? Plugin, Page Template, etc.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

geordiejack on "Editing colors on my wordpress website"


Hi Andrew,

I turned caching off to be able to see changes quicker while editing within the admin panel and then reloading the site.

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