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DanVilla on "Featured Listings Random posts"


Hellow, im having an issue here in this website http://www.psicologiavenezuela.net/

As you can see im using a plugin called "Features Listing" in the column that has a header wich says "Profesionales Destacados".

I have managed to modify this plugin so everytime the page refreshes the posts in the featured listing are random but, now i want to use jquery to refresh this posts every 10 seconds and i cant find where to start. I know that first i have to register my script so wordpress can add it in my head section.

With jquery i can load a php file using ajax, this file is gonna populate my column with the posts from the database but, in order to do so, i need to select the div where the post are gonna be displayed.

the js code that i have to use to get this done is this: `<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$.ajaxSetup({ cache: false });
setInterval(function() {
}, 3000);

I dont know how to manage this, is easy to explain it but in code i dont have idea where to use it, because i cant find the file where this featured listing pluging is being called to render the posts. Any suggestions or ideas on how to do this?

ryan1107 on "[Plugin: Car Demon] A couple of issues: theme displacement & carforsale not functioning"


Hi Jay,
Yea around an hour ago it started to freeze up on me when i was trying to access it to make changes, this link should show you what i mean, should work now. im not great at coding so its not so simple for me haha
Thanks for your help though!

pixel-burn on "[Plugin: Wysija Newsletters] how to make textfield stay after submit is clicked"


I've solved the problem ,thx to wysija support team. They sollution is to use css and set display:block; to the form. Thx for reply anyway



kliq on "[Plugin: Simply Strava] Widget Not Showing"


Hi, I have uploaded the files, updated the settings by adding in my strava login details and it generated the other details fine which I saved. I have then put the widget into my sidebar and changed the title. The title shows but no info underneath it. Please help? Thanks in advance.


andreysc7 on "plugin for a 3D model shop"


Hey guys

Since the beginning of the year I have made a 3d model shop on my website. To sell the models I am using the plugin called "Paid downloads" but as an Administrator I am the only person who can use it.

Now there are some users who want to sell their 3D models too and here is what I am looking for. A similar plugin like "paid downloads" but :

- to send an email to users when they have sold an item
- to let the users check their models and how many times their models were sold.
- to be able (me) to adjust a tax, like 10%-15% of the price.

Is there any plugin like this ? and if there isn't does anyone know how much it will cost to make one ?

Thanks :)

mrdedenroth on "Make my menu sort my posts by popularity"


I Got a question.
Is it possible to make make a menu shortcut, so whenever i Press it is rearrenge the posts on index.php by popularity(by clicks).

A plugin is okay.

Thanks :)

Philthomas75 on "[Plugin: Theme My Login] Plugin upgrade path"


Is this settings change ability a recent change? I was using 6.3.4 and the template path is hardcoded in the plugin files?

Schmutte on "[Plugin: WooCommerce - excelling eCommerce] How to make WooCommerce legal (rechtssicher) for German law?"


Hello Gingergale and welcome to the WooCommerce world :D

Yes, there is a WordPress plugin for WooCommerce to make it more "legal". It's called WooCommerce German Market. It adds necessary sites and information to the WooCommerce Plugin (like Impressum, Versandkosten, Zahlungsarten...).

Best benefit for you: you can focus on your shop, with the updates you'll find the newest stuff (in german law) in your backend.

And because it is a very german problem - the same again in german:

Ja, es gibt ein WordPress Plugin für WooCommere das den Onlineshop rechtssicherer gegen Abmahnungen macht.

Es heisst WooCommerce German Market und erweitert den WooCommerce-Shop um relevante Seiten und Informationen (wie z.B. Impressum, Versandkosten, Zahlungsarten usw.).

Der Vorteil für dich: du konzentrierst dich auf den Shop, und das Plugin hält dich durch Updates (im Backend) immer auf dem neuesten Stand was die gesetzlichen Anforderungen angeht.

murphbaley@gmail.com on "[Plugin: Jetpack by WordPress.com] Confirmation not sent to all email addresses"


I'm having a similar problem on http://www.foodiemamatalks.com. Someone tried subscribing to my blog and they were never sent a confirmation email. I have jetpack 2.2.5 and wordpress 3.5.1

Jeremy Herve on "[Plugin: Jetpack by WordPress.com] Confirmation not sent to all email addresses"


As I mentioned above, could you send us a few examples of the email addresses that did not receive the confirmation emails?

murphbaley@gmail.com on "[Plugin: Jetpack by WordPress.com] Confirmation not sent to all email addresses"


Sorry, I forgot the email address, I've included it in the contact form this time.

jdf0 on "Lightbox not working :("


Eureka! I found out the problem!

So I did as you stated, esmi. I tried 2012 theme again and the lightbox was working on there.

I realized my custom theme did NOT have wp_head and wp_footer! The two most important hooks for plugins to work.

I put those hooks into my theme in the appropriate places, turned Lightbox Gallery plugin back on (turned off other lightbox plugins) and it worked) :D

Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it.

vmkirin on "[Plugin: Filterable jQuery Portfolio Plugin] Plugin Cancels out Other Portfolio"


My theme (Choices) has a built-in photography portfolio which I still use. I want to use this plugin for my design projects. Unfortunately, upon activation, the plugin overrides my current portfolio and hides the items in it.

Is there code I can add to make this portfolio more distinct, so WordPress doesn't confuse the two?


jakeorr on "Backend losing structure/theme"


The website I run encountered an issue today caused by a plugin. My webhost disabled the plugin folder by renaming it. They advised that I rename each plugin folder in turn to find which plugin was causing the website to not load. I was in the process of doing this, when the website went live again but without the plugins working.

Then the backend has now lost its structure and looks like this: http://snag.gy/UUO1p.jpg

I've reinstalled the current version of wordpress but to no avail.

Can anyone suggest what might be causing the backend to do this, and why the plugins are no longer working?

siobhyb on "question answer plugin"

Ameame on "Property API plugins/themes?"

MariaL-Canada on "Plugin for different page widths?"


Thank-you for your reply! I don't know CSS or JavaScript, but I installed the plugin, did a lot of Googling, and was able to use the plugin to make front page extra wide while leaving the other pages at 1000px (:

This did, however, result in the content of the page shifting right, and I can't figure out what CSS is needed to eliminate the padding and shift the content back to the left. I've tried #page, #entry, #padder and a bunch of others but I haven't had any luck. Any pointers, suggestions, etc. would be greatly appreciated!


Test results are here:

I've put a black image in the page content to show the shift.

Mybah on "How do I place my new plugin to new Page?"


Hi, I am brand new and sorry if this is a repeat question. I'll get better.
I have been able to up-load and activate a new Contact form, but can't figure out how to make a page of it for ppl to contact me. I see no drag and drop options, or anything else?
What do I do?

jim333 on "Is there a download plugin that shows ads?"


Is there a plugin that will show download progress and an ad next to it?

ucarman2002 on "prospress users cannot view auction bids"

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