bronzehedwick on "Foreach loop inside widget update function?"
Thanks Chris! You're right, $new_instance['post_types'][$post_type] did not exist. I hacked around a bit and revised my code and I think I made progress; however, when running the update function the...
View Articleemaarkhan on "showing multiple testimonial"
those are static testimonials. i want random, which shows and fade out n replaced by new ones.
View Articlemikechalmers on "Plugin newbie, looking for quick guidance.."
Hi, I'm pretty confident with making my own themes but haven't done any delopment yet, however: I have a need for a widget that doesn't seem to exist yet. Basically a sidebar widget that displays a...
View Articleterrytsang on "[Plugin: WooCommerce - excelling eCommerce] Ask Customers...
Hi ghuznee. You can achieve this by asking a question when customer checkout. Do have a look at the extension : WooCommerce Custom Checkout Options Cheers!
View Articlepaz2222 on "[Plugin: Campaign Monitor Ajax Forms] Works, but displays error...
Well I finally got rid of the error message after deleting the plugin WP Super Cache. Caching issues with ajax, probably?
View Articledsimms on "Login for an external wiki on my website?"
On my website, I have a support page. The support for our product is an external Wiki that requires users to login. Currently, I just have a hyperlinked button on my support page that will take them to...
View Articlebcworkz on "Get theme from a sub directory only under themes folder"
You can pass the path to wp_get_theme(), which will return a WP_Theme object for that path, which contains the name and related info. As evidenced by this function returning a single object instead of...
View Articlemordauk on "A plugin similar to a forum, anyone?"
Ok if you decide to put them up let me know and I'll be happy to take a look.
View Articlejeffqc on "Plugin where user can upload pictures"
Im looking for a plugin where user can upload pictures right to the site. Like site such as pinterest or imgur. Im in the process to start a new image post site.
View Articlemihai2k on "wp_posts custom mysql column name"
and here is the solution .. adding the following in the theme's functions.php add_filter( 'wp_insert_post_data', 'wp_insert_post_data_filter',1, 2 ); function wp_insert_post_data_filter( $data,...
View Articleheshiming on "Possible for such function to be implemented via plugin?"
I'm implementing a custom wordpress site via plugin. I'm wondering whether the following functions can be done. And if so, how do I go about implementing them. Custom post. I need to create a custom...
View ArticleLivingthelife on "A plugin similar to a forum, anyone?"
Really quick, do you know any plugins to make text bigger or change colors? I found some but they won't work
View Articlenoahjonah on "Alternate Home Page or theme."
View Articlepartagas on "[Plugin: CloudFlare] "The plugin does not have a valid header"...
I have exactly the same problem. There's no answer?
View ArticleChristine on "Plugin where user can upload pictures"
You could use Gravity forms to build a form, but I think that you would still need to verify each post to ensure that the material is ok. Otherwise, you might get a bunch of spam and adult content.
View Articlepalermomichael on "[Plugin: Font - SEE SCREENSHOTS! NEW: upload fonts, change...
Just updated to the latest version of your plugin. When i click the new 'font settings' button in the main header it doesn't link to anything. When i click the old fontsforweb icon in the old place it...
View ArticleRohan K on "Plugin for displaying unique views for Post/pages"
Hello, I am working on a website that needs to display unique views for post/page. I tried lot of plugins but they don't track unique views. the number changes as you hit refresh. Is there any plugin...
View Articlesecondandfourth on "Plugin still works after deactivating"
There's a certain plugin (Aweber slideup) that always keeps working after I deactivate it. Then, it will finally deactivate randomly a few days later, or sometimes not at all. I'm trying a few...
View ArticleTamara-IT on "Need advice on multilingual solutions"
Hello! This is my problem: I have to setup an english version of my website (single site install - original language is Italian). I would prefere not to go on with a multisite install but I'll do, if...
View Articleesmi on "Unable to update plugins & unable to install new plugins"
Are all of these sires on the same physical server?
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