Stefan Boonstra on "[Plugin: Slideshow] Feature Requests"
That would be awesome! My e-mail address is Thanks in advance!
View ArticleTCBarrett on "[Plugin: WP Glossary] Localization"
It is now fixed. Created dummy language files with Codestyling Localization plugin. Don't forget, if you translate the rewrite slug ('glossary') then you will need to rebuild/save your permalinks. Very...
View Articlezcamine on "Looking for the plugin for taking full control of the toolbar"
Looking for the plugin for taking full control of the toolbar please help
View Articlezackl on "Jquery vertical menu issue"
I have a "popular cartoon topic" menu installed using the jquery vertical menu plug in. The problem is any topic that is clicked is taken to the right cartoon but then every single topic shows up on...
View Articlemichaelandersenmd on "Vslider - header image not centered. Help!"
Hello. I'm new to html coding and I'm having an issue with my vslider images not being centered on my home page. I created a child directory of the twentyeleven theme and moved: <?php...
View Articlephix3000 on "[Plugin: HyperDB] Plugin Installation Problem"
I am getting this error upon installation: The package could not be installed. No valid plugins were found. I've tried manual upload but it does not show and also the uploader and autoinstaller, but...
View Articleenlightbulb on "Failed Posting To Your Facebook Timeline "Multiple...
Ladies & Gents, I'm completly out of my mind at this point. I read everything in this area and i'm still no closer to solve the issue of the dreaded: ---------------------------------- Failed...
View Articleobliviousprattler on "Simple Facebook Connect Not Working"
For some reason, Simple Facebook Connect is putting clear boxes on my homepage. I think it's some kind of Javascript error, but I don't know what's going on. My theme is the ATOM version of Mystique....
View ArticleTalgie on "[Plugin: Google AdSense Plugin] Ads won't display"
Hello, I am having the same problem. My Ads will not display, instead I get yellow boxes on my pages. My website is What other information do you require? Thank you
View Articlebestwebsoft on "[Plugin: Google AdSense Plugin] Ads won't display"
Hello, we suppose that ads are set up incorrectly on Google site because the script is loading correctly and all parameters for the script are correct. We tried to use your publisher id and everything...
View ArticleTalgie on "[Plugin: Google AdSense Plugin] Ads won't display"
What exactly could be set up incorrectly on Google site? I am slightly confused, but thank you for your time.
View Articleartimimiche on "[Plugin: Polylang] Parse error"
Hallo. I tried to change something in the include/admin-filters.php page of Ploylang. That's beacuse pages didn't run and i read that solution in a forum. Well, This message appeared: Parse error:...
View ArticleBill Gilmore on "WP Video Lightbox v1.3 not working IE8 and IE7"
Personally i'd put that down to the short coming of the browsers not the plugin. I make a point of telling clients I dont design for old IE
View Articlejcpeden on "Custom Plugin Admin Page: How To Call a PHP script using AJAX?"
I've written a plugin that creates a backup of wp-content and zips it too. At the moment, its basically just a PHP form and the user can select what they want to back up. On some hosting systems, the...
View Articlekdunham on "[Plugin: Pinterest RSS Widget] Pinterest Thumbnails using short...
The thumbnails will not display properly. Is there an issue with compatibility between the plugin and the most recent upgrade to WP? I am using the short code on a page, and no matter what size I put...
View Articlebonnerl on "[Plugin: Facebook Feed Grabber] Won't display my feed."
Sorry I haven't checked the forums sooner. Have you figured this out?
View Articlejsnair on "500 Internal Server Error - .htaccess, plugin, and theme rename...
I am getting the following error: "Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator,...
View ArticleAbhishek Ghosh on "500 Internal Server Error - .htaccess, plugin, and theme...
Please check the php error log files and copy paste the errors in pastebin and give us the link. There is only problem with php, Apache2 or whatever server software is running, is running properly :...
View Articlejsnair on "500 Internal Server Error - .htaccess, plugin, and theme rename...
Im extremely new to this. How do i get to the phpError log Files and how do i put it in a pastebin? Is this right? Added a folder to the /public_html - is that the root? bar/foo.php
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