k12 on "Custom WP Login Widget"
Never mind, found out that setting value to "wp-admin" did the trick. As in: value="wp-admin" Thanks for all the help.
View Articlecompositelitmus on "Site Statistics"
I'd like a good working plugin that works the same way as the Wordpress.com Stats. I want to be able to see the number of visitors on a daily basis, and which link they came from. I am also interested...
View Articlebjorn.kullberg on "SFC - don't show words tagged with "strong""
Hi, when publishing my posts to FB using SFC the words tagged with "strong" don't show up. Se post here: http://www.kullberg.nu/blogg/arkiv/1536 Se published on FB here:...
View Articleelytsa@gmail.com on "Facebook PLugin"
Hi everyone! I recently bumped into a problem I thought was impossible to face. Very simple: my blog has embedded youtube videos in some articles. When FB plugin is activated- videos do not work. When...
View ArticleTomkay on "Does such a plugin exist?"
Hello, I am trying to avoid writing an awkward plug in and I was wondering if anyone knows if this exists or even if it is possible! I need a plugin that will take data from the server of another...
View Articleshlomi t on "Can't figure out plugins, etc. in wordpress.org!"
dear m peredur Help me awful about the subject of Midge article: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/border-around-widgets-in-twenty-eleven-theme?replies=4 And I wanted to ask you how I can control at...
View Articleperedur on "Can't figure out plugins, etc. in wordpress.org!"
Please start a new thread. You'll stand a better chance of getting an answer and not fall foul of the moderators.
View ArticleCarlos Moreira on "[Plugin] Best plugin to create a client space with...
I found this one: File Manager Plugin, but it's a paid plugin :(
View ArticleElja on "[Plugin: Better WP Security] Plugins and Themes directory uploads...
I am working with WordPress since a week. Have done a new installationdone. Then I installed the plugins - Better WP Security. This renamed the wp-document directory. Everything looks to works fine in...
View ArticleCarlos Moreira on "Looking for a specific print plugin"
Hello I found this: 'Print this section' plugin. Would it be helpful? Also this paid plugin: PrintPress. Hope it helps! cheers
View Articlelouisjacquot on "[Plugin] Best plugin to create a client space with...
Hello Kimerby and Carlos, and thank you for your help. I'll have a look at it. By the way, I found this plugin that looks to be cool as well --> http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/download-monitor/...
View Articlecoffeandmilk on "Form/Login with posting possibilities or page publishing."
Hey. I need a plugin that allows external clients to log in and only have to deal with one "page" in wordpress. It must be very easy for external clients to update the wordpress-page they have...
View ArticleWebDev22 on "Plugin to track changes and notify admin"
I'd be fine with a cron job that ran every night that would summarize the following: Pages/Posts drafts added Pages/Posts deleted Pages/Posts published Pages/Posts reverted to Draft Changes to Media...
View Articlefz11 on "looking for a custom search plugin or widget"
Hi I have just set up a WP site and looking to use it for a short term apartment rentals site. The theme I chose was not a real estate theme and I am now looking for a option to have a simple search...
View Articlejonesiegal on "Contact Form 7, Making the Plugin work in my site."
Can you explain in detail exactly what this phrase means in the following quote? "copy the shortcode and paste it into the post content."" I found the shortcode which a copied, then I went to the...
View ArticleMartyUK on "Contact Form 7, Making the Plugin work in my site."
If I understand you right once you have put the shortcode into the content. Update the page and then view the live page the form should be displayed. Hope this helps Marty
View ArticleFootholdSystems on "Show data based on dropdown"
Hello, I'm searching for a plugin(?) which can present data based on a drop-down (select) list box. For example, this plugin could be utilized as a "store locator" where the site's visitor clicks on...
View Articlejonesiegal on "Contact Form 7, Making the Plugin work in my site."
Thanks Mary. I think I got that part to work. Thank you so much. This has been a painfully slow week trying to figure all this out. Here is the page I am working on. http://cookingrainfree.com/contact/...
View ArticleMartyUK on "Contact Form 7, Making the Plugin work in my site."
No Problem :) When on the page screen you should have a box below the editor saying "Discussion" it there they should be a option to turn off comments for that page. If there is not "Discussion" box...
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