analbeard on "Jetpack Carousel not working"
i'm having exactly the same problem, no option to force images to display in the carousel.
View ArticleHieu on "Thumbnail/Image Gallery help sought!"
You have to use Javascript for this. Sorry no shortcut. If you can learn HTML5 and CSS3, you can learn javascript. This is a simple one, you can simply copy and paste the js, then adjust css to your...
View ArticleVergilius on "jquery masonry + post opens on homepage"
Have you found a solution? I'm looking for the same script
View Articlesandhee_tube on "Add plugin to Custom Post Type"
Hi Wordpress Users, I'm developing a custom type for my project. How can I embed others plugin on my custom types? Thanks for your help
View Articlenemeshsingh on "[Plugin: Booking Calendar & Appointment Scheduler] Appointy...
Hello, Please accept my personal apology for replying late. We usually reply within 24 hours on our Facebook page at or through email. From now on, we will also keep an eye...
View ArticleDer-Bank-Blog on "How to import/embed link content"
I would like to 'embed' excerpts from external links, if possible with a thumbnail (like an WP excerpt). The idea is, just to add the link and get the rest automatically like you do in Facebook or...
View ArticleRichard Sweeney on "ConcertPress plugin not showing up in backend"
I'm marking this as resolved, let me know if you have any more problems!
View Article500er Error"">myrko on "[Plugin: Amazon Link] Update Broke my Wordpress -> 500er Error"
Paul, I don't have the server logs unfortunately. But I can report that after installing the latest version 3.0.4 the issue is gone for me! Thank you for your efforts!
View Article500er Error"">paulstuttard on "[Plugin: Amazon Link] Update Broke my Wordpress -> 500er Error"
Excellent, thanks for the feedback!
View ArticleAlexis403 on "Twitter Goodies Widget shuts my site down"
Hello, at separate times I have installed both Twitter Goodies Widget by NetWebLogic and Twitter Goodies by iCrunched. Both of these widgets shuts my site down as soon as I put it in the sidebar. Any...
View ArticleBrian on "Share post to social media from dashboard"
+1 Would really like a plugin for this. Publicize for does it: And I hear that it will be coming to Jetpack for self-hosted... but when?...
View ArticleBrian on "Share post to social media from dashboard"
This plugin is somewhat close, but not quite:
View Articlehallene on "Reverse an update"
Yesterday I updated the various plugin on our site and now we get this error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING, expecting ')' in...
View Articleesmi on "Reverse an update"
FTP into your site (or use whatever file management application your host provides) & delete the wp-content/plugins/bad-behavior folder.
View Articleunique_guitar on "How to add continous playing music on wordpress site?"
Hey guys, I have a guitar website. I'd like a music track to play continuously throughout the website when people click onto different pages. How would I do this? Thanks!
View ArticleEric Amundson on "[Plugin: IvyCat AJAX Image Slider] New user"
Hi Gloria, You can link over to the WP Codex to see the wp_head() and wp_footer() functions and how you use them.
View Articlek12 on "Custom WP Login Widget"
Hi there, I like this plugin but would like to be able to redirect the user directly to the Dashboard upon successful login, is this possible? Thanks.
View Articledapperandwild on "There is no 'plugin' heading on my dashboard"
Hi, everyone, I am very new to wordpress and I have a problem. There is no 'plugin' heading on my dashboard. I'm trying to add a plugin and on the wordpress codex, it says to enable plugins using the...
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