Channel: Topic Tag: plugin | WordPress.org
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Marius (Clorith) on "All my plugins have been deactivated! "The plugin does...

Hi Carl, That is indeed very strange. What I would do first is using FTP or a Control Panel access to a file manager (like cPanel or equvilant) and look in the wp-content folder for a folder named...

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adewinner on "How to Upload New WordPress plugin"

have problems with the Plugin URL (required; must be a link to a ZIP file of the working plugin that includes a completed readme.txt) can you help me sort it out

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adewinner on "How to Upload New WordPress plugin"

please tell me what is readme?

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wpsocial on "[Plugin: Social Deals Engine] Can't be activated"

Hi sumankalyanmohanty, Have you tried deactivating other plugins to test? Error could be due to conflict with other plugins.

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carl.waring on "All my plugins have been deactivated! "The plugin does not...

I did and they were all there; although I'm not sure if they were all "complete". So I just deleted all the sub-folders and started again!

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camelia_79 on "[Plugin: Google Places Reviews] Plugin Not Displaying (Not...

Hi, same problem here for a yootheme too. It would be great if you could fix it. Thanks.

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Stagger Lee on "[Plugin: Meta Slider] how to implement the meta-slider - with...

Chose "Carousel" option in MS settings.

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Marius (Clorith) on "All my plugins have been deactivated! "The plugin does...

I would've been a little bit interested in knowing what was missing from the files, from the sound of it, something had happened to the main file where the plugin details are supposed to be stored. Not...

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carl.waring on "All my plugins have been deactivated! "The plugin does not...

Thanks for taking the time, but I'm not good enough on WP to know where to even start with looking into that.

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Kadence Themes on "[Theme: Virtue] Great theme and malfunctioning mobile menu"

Hey, Styling a dropdown requires javascript. There is an option to use select2 in the premium version but none of that matters. Your plugin is using the chosen js to style the select box. Since the...

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aegirr on "Plugin for sorting of posts from a category"

Anyone have any suggestions as to which plugins to try? All the plugins I have tryed have too many limitations in regarding the look of the list I am trying to make. A list of popular posts from a...

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naysilva on "WordPress - Setting a default 'featured image' for each Catergory"

Hi there, I want to set a default 'Featured Image' for every category that I have. In my functions.php file I have the following code:- /* ---------------FEATURED POST IMAGE------------------------*/...

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juniorbra on "[Plugin: EZ Popup Manager] Difference between simple popup...

Hi, I saw you have 2 products... What is the difference between "simple popup manager" and "EZ popup manager". Thanks and keep doing this great job! https://wordpress.org/plugins/ez-popup-manager/

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islyoung2 on "Remove Page Title"

Hi; Im developping a personal Wordpress Plugin, that I'll integrate in a specific page using shortcode. Now I want to remove the page title directly from my plugin, is it possible? Thanks

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Begin on "Whats wrong here?"

Trying to make the simplest plugin to disable the admin bar and get error: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare remove_admin_bar() (previously declared in...

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Marcella87 on "Google Analytics Content Experiments"

How can i use Google Analytics Content Experiments for a/b test? It says: Error with your server

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Jose_brandao on "if(function_exists()) Is a Best practice to validate...

Hi everybody! Could someone help me please? I'm using a plugin in my website and I got a question: Is recommended to use this statement if(function_exists()) to validate if the function related to my...

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lee.shepherd on "Woocommerce custom plugin needed"

I need a plugin that can export orders to a fixed width flat file, having trouble finding someone that can help or someone that can create one for me, Anyone help or point me to a developer? thanks

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adenijidav on "[Plugin: WooCommerce - excelling eCommerce] WOOCOMMERCE PLUGIN...

Hello everyone, I need to set up a store to sell exam result checker pins for a client. The unique pins should not be revealed on the cart but should be sent to the user's email after payment has been...

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naysilva on "WordPress - Setting a default 'featured image' for each Catergory"

Thanks linux4me2 - I've just updated my functions.php to your post but I'm still having the same problem, no idea what's going on. Any other suggestions?

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