mc_kath on "[Plugin: MailChimp List Subscribe Form] MailChimp plugin working...
Hi Simon, With the Javascript disabled for the form I am able to see and submit the form on all pages of the site in both Chrome and Firefox, however I'm getting the "Cheatin’ huh?" error page. I'm...
View Articlechrishajer on "Could not create directory"
The issue is that you cannot upload any plugin? For example, what is the error message when you try to install this plugin?
View Articleblackpostcards on "[Plugin: Specific Files] Inline edit boxes not saving code"
When trying to add inline css or js code via the pop-up light boxes, when they are closed, the code is not saved and the inline box becomes unusable. After entering inline code and doing a save, when...
View ArticleDana S on "[Plugin: Related YouTube Videos] results based on post title and...
Hi again, I have a special project requiring me to use this plugin in a way I hadn't used before. I need to retrieve youtube results based on the post title and meta_value. This is how I've normally...
View ArticleTVHCare on "Varying sizes for same Olimometer?"
Is it possible to have more than one size for a single olimometer? For example, a smaller version in a widget and a larger one, say, on a fundraising page? Is there a shortcode that will override set...
View Articlejculmer on "Modifying Social Share Buttons on Blog and Events Page"
There's a bar at the bottom of my events and blogs that says, "It's only fair to share..." followed by a bunch of social media buttons. I'm not the technical wizard (someone else set it up) that a lot...
View ArticleIbnul H. on "[Plugin: Custom Team Manager] Is there a maximum number of...
Hello Alepepe, Thanks to point out the question. I just forgot to notice that on the very first version, but I've updated to show all members for now. On the next version there will be option to...
View Articleleahkoerper on "[Plugin: The Events Calendar] Escape characters not working"
Hi gugtavas, Our dev looked into this and found the issue- our system is saving the date formats in the database with double slashes (so instead of \d it's \\d). Please try using this snippet and let...
View Articleswatts on "[Plugin: iThemes Security (formerly Better WP Security)] Enabling...
I'm having this same issue with a calendar plugin not working due to the admin-ajax conflict with a hidden admin backend. Any progress on a fix yet?
View Articleddonzal on "[Plugin: Social Login, Social Sharing, Social Commenting and...
Wow. Still no answer here or on the LoginRadius Support Forums. Guess it's time to find a new plugin. :-(
View Articleloginradius-dev on "[Plugin: Social Login, Social Sharing, Social Commenting...
Hi Don, Sorry for the delayed response. Please send an email to and they will provide you with a fix for this issue. LoginRadius Team
View Articlelovecoinz on "Could not create directory"
Thanks @Chrishajer when i tried to upload plugin through admin dashboard, i received an error message which read Could not create directory When i tried to upload through ftp client, i receives this...
View Articleklynam on "Is there a WP plugin downloader available?"
I have a number of preferred PlugIns that I use for various client websites. When I start a new site, I like to have the latest version of theses plugins available for installation. I found a couple of...
View Articlesmatias on "Looking for a Registration Plugin"
Hello everyone, I am creating a site that will not let anyone view it until they register and we approve them. Does anyone know of a plugin that lets you do this?
View ArticleClemmo on "Function array_combine () bug from Baw Manual Related Posts Plugin"
Hello, This error message is appearing on the top of my posts: "Warning: array_combine() [function.array-combine]: Both parameters should have at least 1 element in...
View ArticleJan Dembowski on "HTTPS loop"
Is this the plugin you mean? If so try these steps to get back in. Using FTP or whatever file management tools your host has provided you with navigate to...
View Articleuserer on "Looking for an Facebook LIKE WINDOW plugin"
Hello WP'resers :) I'm serching for an updated working plugin that works like this: It show the facebook fan page window as an "inside popup"(middle of the page) with the option to LIKE(the page), or...
View Articlejamiedadof3 on "[Plugin: WP Mobile Detector Mobile Plugin] Can no longer...
I recently installed the WP Mobile Detector plugin on my site in an effort to fix some bugs on our mobile version of the site. As soon as it installed, I lost the ability yo access...
View Articlerubjm9 on "[Plugin: Source Affix] Choose specifically where to display"
Hello. I have two plugins that display contents at the end of a post: "Source affix" and another one that displays "Related Posts". What happens now is that it displays first the related posts, and...
View Articlemetaphorcreations on "[Plugin: Ditty News Ticker] Jetpack & Ditty news ticker...
It does sound like a javascript issue that you are running into, bu I use Jetpack without issue on my sites. It is possible it is stemming from Jetpack but there are so many settings and options...
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