fraspec on "Facebook/LinkedIn"
Need a bit of help here; I need a plugin that post my blogs to my Facebook directly (as a summary), and I'm looking for plugin that will connect my LinkedIn account with my website. Andrew
View Articlewpoets on "Soundslides plugin not working for me?"
On line 971 of the style.css file there appears to be a class that is affecting the height of the embedded object /* Video */...
View Articledesignroom on "[Plugin: WP-MoIP] Como habilitar função ajax no carrinho?"
Olá. Instalei e plugin e realizei a configuração necessária. O plugin funciona normalmente, mas como faço para utilizar a função Ajax, ou seja, sem ter que atualizar a página a cada item adicionado no...
View ArticleAtlasWarner on "CSS won't update - working on test site but not on actual blog"
I'm having the same problem as niftythriftythings. I am also using the Genesis Framework with a custom child theme. The Child Theme is Outreach. What is yours?
View ArticleWillie Jackson on "[Plugin: W3 Total Cache] I need to speed up my WP site!...
Hi all- Looks like the main concerns here have been addressed, but for the record (we make W3TC): @sadhaka:W3TC isn't in the least bit abandoned, and you can see Frederick (the creator) in that thread...
View Articlerilwis on "Plugin to disable/hide admin parts for custom roles"
Try Hide Admin Menu plugin. This plugin can: - hide menu items based on user role simply by checking checkboxes - work with custom user role & custom menu items added by other plugins - can hide...
View Articlederekbeck on "adding meta data using plugin to top of head"
It seems if you use the wp_head hook as an action to put your custom metadata into the head tags of your page, it is dependent on where the theme you are using calls the wp_head. In my case, it is at...
View Articlederekbeck on "adding meta data using plugin to top of head"
By the way, Yoast's Wordpress SEO plugin puts social stuff at the top of the head tag area. If he managed to do, I'd like to as well. Thanks!
View Articleeverwill on "Making Dynamic Widgets static"
I've been using Dynamic Widgets for a while and think it's a very useful plugin. There used to be a link to make a Dynamic Widget static. It appears that is gone. If I'm missing it, please tell me...
View Articleeverwill on "WP UI - Tabs, Accordions, Sliders on Wordpress Multisite"
I am running multiple WP sites and installed and activated the WP UI - Tabs, Accordions, Sliders plugin. It works as expect on my main site But it does not work on other sites...
View Articlemarcoapaulo on "Masonry - Can't get it to work"
FINALLY! I did it! Thanks to this » And thank you Chris Olbekson for the reminder of the names :)
View Articlelouisjacquot on "[Plugin] Best plugin to create a client space with...
Hello, I'm about to build a website for my company. I already have several clients and I would like to include on the site a client space. Each client would be able to access a dedicated folder in this...
View ArticleAdam on "Creating a Podcast WITHOUT a Plugin"
I'd like to get some clarification regarding WordPress' Podcast Codex page: In replicating these steps, would it be possible to use a Custom Post Type instead of...
View ArticleRichard on "[Plugin: All-in-One Event Calendar] Google Calendar Authentication"
Hi computerfixer412, For specific customizations like this the quickest solution would be to contact jenna@theseedstudio for a quote. However, we do appreciate the suggestion. If other users also...
View ArticleRev. Voodoo on "Creating a Podcast WITHOUT a Plugin"
1. CPT is fine 2. Custom field is fine - so long as you output your link appropriately to be utilized
View ArticleAdam on "Creating a Podcast WITHOUT a Plugin"
I'll definitely follow the instructions on the Podcast page for outputting the link. I use the Advanced Custom Fields plugin. Do these custom fields work the same as WP's native Custom Fields? I want...
View ArticleRev. Voodoo on "Creating a Podcast WITHOUT a Plugin"
Outputting the link with regards to the custom field is the main thing. I have no experience with the plugin you mentioned, so I cannot be much help there. But, you plop your mp3 (or whatever) URL into...
View ArticleAdam on "Creating a Podcast WITHOUT a Plugin"
I'll do some experimenting. Thanks so much for your help and advice, Rev. Voodoo!
View Articlemtorillo7 on "[Plugin: WP Simple Paypal Shopping cart] Resizing Plugin to fit...
Hi There, I need some help regarding how to style this plugin into my sidebar. Because right now when I add an item to my cart, it adds to my cart but the shopping list on the side gets cut off....
View ArticleAndrew.Bloom on "[Plugin: Posts 2 Posts] Using P2P Results to Display Another...
$my_query = new WP_Query( array( 'post_type' => array( 'products', 'brands', 'distributors' ) ) ); p2p_type( 'products_to_brands' )->each_connected( $my_query, array(), 'brands' ); while (...
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