TobiasBg on "[Plugin: Tabby Responsive Tabs] TablePress within a tab"
Hi Bart, correct. If the filter does not return a result, the table would not have a body row, and then the JS library fails. Good to hear that you were able to solve this! Best wishes, Tobias P.S.: In...
View Articlehd1080pwallpaper on "Recommend a plugin to register / login with Facebook,...
Hi, You can use facebook social plugin to allow anyone to login using social media single sign on. See or
View Articlemsalliance on "Error when installing themes and plugins"
Good evening. I have been struggling for the past week. I have tried to install The Theme Foundry's Make Plus theme (as a plugin) and then Themify's Wumblr themes and then their Builder plugin. Each...
View ArticleHalo Diehard on "[Plugin: bbp buddypress profile information] Plugin is...
Howdy! This plugin was very fun to play with, but I'm testing out new forums and I've deactivated it. The fields are still showing in my member's profiles, and I'm a little hesitant to delete the...
View ArticleLeo Caseiro on "remove leave a comment"
The easist way is removing all comments from the admin and install this plugin later:
View ArticleDiveling on "Plugin Directory not updating latest plugin version"
Currently the Plugin Directory is showing that the current 'Download Version' of my app is version 1.0. The app is currently in version 1.1.2, and I have noted that in the readme.txt (Stable Tag field...
View ArticleWebPrezence on "Plugin Directory not updating latest plugin version"
What plugin is it? Sometimes, it takes a few hours for the update to go through the approval process in the WordPress repository. Also, there's a remote chance that the plugin author didn't update...
View ArticleDiveling on "Plugin Directory not updating latest plugin version"
This is the plugin. I was under the impression that 'Download Version' gets updated when the Stable Tag is changed. I changed the Stable Tag earlier in the day and it still does not seem to be working....
View ArticleDiveling on "Plugin Directory not updating latest plugin version"
Looks like it was a metadata problem.
View Articletracinewman on "help with Custom Header Images plugin not working"
all i want is having image in a header underneath my menu so i can have a dedicated one for each page so i have install i have installed the plug Custom Header Images . in and i have put the code...
View Articleuuueeeco on "Photo Gallery with Social Media and Login"
Hi I'm David, in the UK. I saw your comment about the Smart Slideshow Widget (by obikui) plugin... I just updated WP to 4.0 and it still works... but is screwing up my Woo Featured Slider... just...
View ArticleLabtec0de on "Custom Contact Forms reCaptcha shows only sometimes"
good afternoon, I have a wordpress website using the Custom Contact Forms plugin, the reCaptcha only displays sometimes. Meaning out of 10 attempts probably 4 times it will load the image. I looked at...
View Articlejean_philippe on "[Plugin: WooCommerce - excelling eCommerce] WooCommerce &...
Take a look at WooCommerce Membership - it looks like it does what you need.
View ArticleHerculesSmit on "[Plugin: Project Panorama Lite] Fatal Error"
Hi There I have downloaded the lite version. I am wanting to recommend this plugin for a few of my client an wanted to test it on one of my site, but the plug-in give a Fatal error: Cannot redeclare...
View ArticleAndreas.KG on "[Plugin: Double your Email Subscribers + Double your Sharing...
Hi 1. great plugin so far 2. a BUT: have everything on SMART (so the software decides WHEN it is time to showup). I have smartbar, list builder plus scrollBox. But the latter two just come up at the...
View ArticleNovogradac37 on "[Plugin: Ultimate Product Catalogue Plugin] Using...
Thanks. Is there a list I can add myself to that will update me when just that feature is added? If not is there a mailing list for all updates?
View Articleevitorino on "[Plugin: Custom Recent Posts] Don't UPDATE this plugin on your...
I received an upgrade request to this plugin, in a website that uses Luxury theme by Cudazzi. After installing the following PHP error appears above the site header: Warning: Cannot modify header...
View Articleelenai on "[Plugin: Contact Form 7 Style] Can I turn off the plugin on...
Hi guys, I have a question. Is it possible to turn off the plugin on one of the forms while keep it on the rest of them. For example, I am using it for a very specific footer contact form and it works...
View Articlegea16161 on "Plugin Wp Edit and WordPress"
Hi everybody! After a very frustrating afternoon of trying to get a "read more" button installed, I give up and hope for your help! I'm pretty new at WordPress so forgive me if this is a stupid...
View ArticleBefuture BefDreamer on "[Plugin: Easy Code Placement - for any Code you want]...
Hi Guys Found a bug on the last update of plugin. Wrong in functions.php on mapping of DB Table "ecp_version" instead table "ecp_options". If not done mistake in analisys. So here the link of zip that...
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