Ipstenu (Mika Epstein) on "How to Remove index.php from sub domain url in...
Yeah, I'm sorry, I don't use IIS and Multisite so I can't figure this out :(
View ArticleIpstenu (Mika Epstein) on "Plugin not showing for new sites"
The plugin may not work network activated :/ Not all of them do. Send the fix back to the developer :) Maybe they'll fix it!
View Articleshanafourde on "Regarding errors on Google Analyticator Plugin & 360...
View Articlesebaxtian on "Youtuber stopped working"
New release coming. Hope this solve this bug. Any advice would be appreciated.
View ArticleVideoUserManuals on "[Plugin: White Label CMS] Need to show another plugin...
Hi, Sorry not really. If a plugin is set up so it requires admin access, I would take it up the issue with that plugin. Sorry about that.
View Articlemluther on "Best plugin for Linkrel (Link Relationships)?"
http://codex.wordpress.org/Search_Engine_Optimization_for_WordPress#Link_Relationships says There is some debate over whether listing the link relations actually effect search engine ranking however it...
View Articletckrockz on "Cover-flow type gallery?"
Hello I am looking for a plugin which can be used to display images like in the album art/cover flow type found on apple devices. I believe there was plugin for NexTGen gallery way back but it has been...
View Articlenarwahls on "Bringing my LDAP Login-System into a plugin"
Hello. I've created a Multiple LDAP Login, where I edited wp_signon to ditinguish between login with a given Domain or without one. If a Domain is given, wp_signon uses a diffrent wp_authenticate...
View Articletckrockz on "Cover-flow type gallery?"
Found a plugin. http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-imageflow2/
View Articlenamword on "[Plugin: White Label CMS] Need to show another plugin item on...
I'm sorry. You don't understand. The other plugin "Ajax Event Calendar" is just a normal plugin like many others. The settings for the plugin show on the left hand side panel where the other menus for...
View Articledavidhansard on "Partial formatting problem but not CSS issue"
http://www.davidhansard.net/utterly-useless-news/ Apart from my blog page which is fine, I've lost the correct text formatting and spacing on most of my pages. You'll see on the above page that apart...
View Articleesmi on "Partial formatting problem but not CSS issue"
Try re-uploading a fresh copy of the complete theme using FTP.
View Articledavidhansard on "Partial formatting problem but not CSS issue"
Thanks esmi. I tried that. No luck, unfortunately. I'm starting to think the database has some sort of error. It now doesn't seem to matter which theme I'm using, the site has these problems. I have...
View Articledavidhansard on "Partial formatting problem but not CSS issue"
Ah, done it! I de-activated and deleted a plugin and it sorted out the problem. Can't remember which plug-in though... am going to have a think, and hopefully post the name of the plug-in here for...
View Articledavidhansard on "Find a deleted plugin"
I had formatting issues on newly created pages. I found out it was caused by a single plugin I had installed. Unfortunately I can't remember the name of the plugin I deleted, and would like to know so...
View Articleesmi on "Find a deleted plugin"
That would be highly unlikely unless you still had access to the database AND the plugin left some identifying details behind.
View Articledavidhansard on "Partial formatting problem but not CSS issue"
Nope, can't remember the name of the plugin I deleted. I'll have to be more carefully in choosing plugins in future.
View Articleruthiecastillo on "Fatal error caused by Jetpack"
So i was updating the plugins on my website. One of the plugins I was updating is jetpack. The update was not successful and now I get this message when trying to access the website. I can't view the...
View ArticleDonald Gilbert on "[Plugin: Facebook Fan Box Cache] Just using this to...
Well, this plugin removes all the extra css and js that is required to load the FB Like Box, and then caches that so it's super fast. Removing the *like* feature was a consequence of this. So many...
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