edtiley on "Undefined Function Fatal Error In Plugin Class"
Building a plugin using Class structure. Want to display the result of a formula, so I created a public function so it could be done as needed. Something like: public function foo($x,$y) { return...
View ArticleRichard Archambault on "[Plugin: Jetpack by WordPress.com] Top Posts & Pages...
Hi there, it does look to me that this could be the source of the issue, because everything else seems normal. You could try turning off W3TC and Minify for a day to see if that fixes it. Let me know...
View ArticleMariaL-Canada on "Plugin for different page widths?"
Thank-you once again for your help! I installed the child theme plugin, created a child theme, installed Firebug, did a lot more Googling with some trial & error to understand what I was looking at...
View Articlejim333 on "Editing Plugin CSS options"
I edited plugin CSS, but later on I learned that with any plugin update my edit will be erased. Should I edit the theme style or should I instal plugin to handle CSS additions to plugin? Any suggestion...
View ArticleWPyogi on "Editing Plugin CSS options"
Editing the theme style.css file has the same problem. So you could either make/use a child theme - and put any changes to any CSS (theme or plugin) in the child theme style.css file. Or you could use...
View Articlejim333 on "Editing Plugin CSS options"
I used CSS Manager its working great. Thank you,
View ArticleKandreSparks on "White screen when trying to use WordPress Importer plug-in"
I have searched the forums and it seems like plenty have had a similar issue. I have tried all that is mentioned and nothing has worked. I am trying to use the WP importer plug-in. I click in the...
View Articlesioy on "How can I categorize my pages?"
I'm building a site with mostly pages so that it looks suitably web-sitey (rather than like a blog). I would like to be able to categorize my pages (like you can with posts), this would make it easier...
View ArticleKnut Sparhell on "How can I categorize my pages?"
The looks ("sitey" or "bloggy") of a site is not determined by whether you use posts or pages, but by your theme and whether you use a static front page or not. Use posts and you can categorize. Then...
View Articlesioy on "How can I categorize my pages?"
Many thanks, it is exactly those 'taxonomies' that make it look bloggy – perhaps if they could be stopped from displaying (with a widget?).
View Articlegreatdex on "[Plugin: User Meta Manager] Foreach error when editing metadata"
could you explain why that happened? and solved? since i have some similar experience in my code..
View Articleianhaycox on "Undefined Function Fatal Error In Plugin Class"
If foo() is in a class are you calling it correctly ? e.g. within the plugin class, $this->foo(); or from outside the class, you need a class instance, $x = new MyPluginClass(); $x->foo(); or...
View ArticleW.P. Ginfo on "White screen when trying to use WordPress Importer plug-in"
Use FTP to access your site bv. http://filezilla-project.org/download.php rename all plugins by putting a '0' in front of each plugin -folder; ../wp-content/plugins Check if the access has been...
View Articleipodoordopjeskopen on "Problem with SEO titel YOAST Plugin"
I have a question regarding the SEOtitle. In google my metatitle shows "name of product - name of site" and i want it to show only the SEOtitle that i have giving it in the plugin of Yoast. How can i...
View Articleipodoordopjeskopen on "[Plugin: WordPress SEO by Yoast] Problem with SEO titel"
I have a question regarding the SEOtitle. In google my metatitle shows "name of product - name of site" and i want it to show only the SEOtitle that i have giving it in the plugin of Yoast. How can i...
View Articlerjrandolph on "[Plugin: WooCommerce - excelling eCommerce] USPS Shipping...
I purchased the USPS Shipping Method Plugin and have a question on the settings. I enabled "Flat Rate Boxes" (the method my client wants to use). According to the documentation, the box sizes are to...
View Articlevividwebdesigns on "woocommerce tabs"
I have a problem with the tabs on the single product page not working. I changed all the code woocommerce-tabs to woocommerce_tabs it made no change. The page which has the problem is...
View Articlejcpcosta on "[Plugin: WP Forum Server] need a portuguese translation...any?"
Hi everyone! Does anyone is using a portuguese translation for this nice plugin? Thank you!! http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/forum-server/
View Articlelivelovepasta on "[Plugin: Jetpack by WordPress.com] Top Posts & Pages Only...
I never deactivated my WP Minify plugin to find out but I'm sure that is the reason. It was working great before, and you can literally see the exact day where Jetpack stopped recording visits. I just...
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