Jay on "[Plugin: Car Demon] A couple of issues: theme displacement &...
I hate to say it, but it looks like its freezing again. In most cases just a little custom CSS can make it match your theme. Have you had a chance to try each of the styles in the style PlugIn to see...
View Articleaftertheivyleague@gmail.com on "[Plugin: nrelate Related Content] nRelated...
Help! Everyone time I install the nRelated content plugin, it will only show one post at the bottom of my page (instead of 4), and it's always the same post. It was working fine, until all of a sudden...
View Articlewp initiate on "oqey plugin issues - help!"
I keep getting Notice: Undefined index: type in /hermes/bosoraweb117/b2197/nf.koentertainment/public_html/kuffuorinnovations.com/wp-content/plugins/oqey-gallery/gallcore.php on line 252 Notice:...
View Articleorangeblowfish on "Plugin Soliloquy Lite slider: dots & navigation arrows...
I have removed the dots from the screen altogether with this line of code .soliloquy-control-nav { display: none; }
View Articlejim333 on "[Plugin: WP-Filebase Download Manager] How to put title or file...
I'm using download-button as file template and I want to put the file name on the left side, and botton on the right side. So title and download button are on the same line. Only options I see is with...
View Articlejim333 on "[Plugin: Easy Digital Downloads - Free Download] FTP, Title,...
1.) I have a lot of PDF files to upload 3,000+ can I upload with FTP and sync with this plugin? Or how can I do multi-upload faster? 2.) Is there an option to pull file name as title of the download?...
View Articlesandeeppal1 on "[Plugin: Magic Action Box] The formatting of MAB under...
Thanks Ryann it's working fine now. One more question. Can we add image to the heading section? Actually I was trying but the image did not fit properly. Because of .mabstyle-royalty .mab-wrap{...
View ArticleAxito on "[Plugin: MailChimp List Subscribe Form] Layout view Mailchimp...
Hello all, We are implementing the Mailchimp signup form in our WordPress based website. Please see here: http://www.axito.com/mailchimpsignup We have various input fiels like e-mail, telephone, first...
View ArticleJaiser Abbas on "[Plugin: WordPress SEO by Yoast] Tags & Categories Still...
Hello Joost de Valk, Em using Yoast Plugin & Checked all Tags, Categories, Archive Pages to hide from SEP but they still visible in search engine, I tried 3 times but still same issue. will you...
View ArticlePipe Ten Hosting on "anchor effect"
Hi IncredPL, Would you be able to provide us with more information with what it is you are trying to achieve? Kind regards Jamie
View Articlemaxthornton on "Slider plugin advice"
I am looking to add a slider plugin to a new site that im building. I need a slider to show on the category archive template. Is there any plugins out there that will show just featured images in each...
View Articleemaarkhan on "Page with multiple downloads"
Hello, I have a page, where i have 6-7 files. What i want is when use click download after text of the file like intro, they are required to provide name and email address,upon which they can download...
View ArticleYourGadget on "Products Plugin"
Hi! I own a tech website in Norwegian. I was browsing at technobuffalo, where I came across one awesome little feature. They have a list of products that they have mentioned in an article. When I click...
View Articleiammarilynrose on "Contact Form Email isn't working - should go to the admin...
Hey guys, I'm using a theme called "Academy" and within it there is a contact form and the developer has said the form sends the email to the account associated with the Wordpress account. No luck in...
View ArticleWPyogi on "Contact Form Email isn't working - should go to the admin email!"
If that form is part of the theme, have you asked the theme developer? http://themeforest.net/item/academy-learning-management-theme/4169073
View Articlemiltzi on "[Plugin: Facebook Feed Grabber] Comment integration"
It would be perfect if you could just add comment integration, so that it loads the news feed post as well as the comments on each post, and allows users to comment from there instead of on Facebook....
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