wagonlips on "[Plugin: Amazon S3 Photo Gallery] Must buckets be public?"
I can't seem to get it to work except on public buckets. Can it work with more restricted policies? Thanks! http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/amazon-s3-photo-gallery/
View ArticleGab on "[Plugin: WordPress SEO by Yoast] Yoast SEO - Auto generate meta...
WordPress version: 3.5.1 WordPress SEO version: 1.4.7 I did this: I've trying to auto generated the meta description for the categories as well as the tags. I tried adding %%excerpt%% %%page%% for both...
View Articlezachdyer on "[Plugin: Slideshow Gallery] tid is not defined"
<?php echo do_shortcode("[slideshow gallery_id=\"1\"]"); ?> When I call this function I get a javascript error. "tid is not defined" I have no idea how to define it or where it is defined. I'm...
View ArticleVentoPhoto on "[Plugin: Font - official webfonts plugin. NO CODING! Just...
I just installed this plugin and have yet to have it work properly. Everything I try to change a font style or color, when I hit save, it just says click update. I update and nothing changes. I also...
View Articlehipphooray88 on "How can I NOT download other plugin info (i.e. Bible) when...
Hi, there! This plugin is excellent. But, I have a major problem. My post contents have many Bible references with WP-Bible attached to them. It is a plugIn that gives you a pop-up Bible verse when you...
View Articlechad-wordpress on "[Plugin: BackWPup] back up problem"
I'm running the plugin on 9 sites. 7 work fine. 2 are now giving "The HTTP response test get a false http status (404)" error. Sorry I don't have anything to add to a resolution, but I'm leaving a...
View Articlepixel-burn on "Plugin wysia , text field dissapears"
Hi all, I was wondering if someone knows how can I make wysia newsletter not to dissapear after the submit button is pressed? thx
View Articlepixel-burn on "[Plugin: Wysija Newsletters] how to make textfield stay after...
Hi, I was wondering if somehow is possible to make the textfield (for email entering) stay after the submit is clicked? thx in advance, regards, navi...
View ArticleChKatzman on "Firebug/Chrome CSS editor rejects clear=none"
I'm trying to do custom formatting of a slideshow plugin. I want: 1)a shadowbox surrounding the slide. 2)the slideshow on the left and text on its right. Besides the slideshow, there are ordinary...
View ArticleHéctor Cabrera on "[Plugin: Wordpress Popular Posts] Not working, Sorry...
Since the OP has not replied in two weeks, I'm going to mark this as resolved. To the OP: if the problem persists, please feel free to mark it as unresolved again and post a comment again so I can...
View Articlewp-maverick on "[Plugin: WP Parallax Content Slider] HELP NEEDED: Translations"
Hi Rian Scotti, that would be great! You can add your language on the transifex platform if you want, it's free and I find this way of sharing language files very simple!...
View Articlealchymyth on "Firebug/Chrome CSS editor rejects clear=none"
without a live link to illustrate the issue, nobody will be able to comment on your problem.
View ArticleCKatzman on "Firebug/Chrome CSS editor rejects clear=none"
You can take a look at birthdoulajerusalem.com/cyclone-slider-2, but I as I said, I don't have the changes to the plugin within my theme, I only tried them with the developer tools. This site will...
View ArticleSpartanCopy on "How can I change permission for M V-Slider so editors can...
Hi, Is there a way to change the user privilege on the plugin "M-VSlider". I can access its settings as an admin but does not show up in the editors dashboard. I have tried using a plugin called "Admin...
View Articledoitforscience@gmail.com on "Hacked site, I thought it was fixed"
So I got hacked last week and the WP half of my site went down. I tried fixing the htaccess file to no avail, but when I just deleted it like some folks recommended, I got access to the admin panel and...
View Articlebcworkz on "Firebug/Chrome CSS editor rejects clear=none"
You have the right idea with float and clear. It appears the slider inline element style max-width: 410px is what is preventing the clear: left and float: left directives from being applied. Changing...
View ArticleWPyogi on "Hacked site, I thought it was fixed"
Did you go through all of these: http://codex.wordpress.org/FAQ_My_site_was_hacked http://wordpress.org/support/topic/268083#post-1065779...
View Articlejim333 on "What's the difference between WP Categories and Plugin Categories?"
I'm using plugin to manage files WP Filebase and they have categories just like Wordpress does. Whats the difference? Which one should I use and why? Does it make difference for SEO?
View ArticleCKatzman on "Firebug/Chrome CSS editor rejects clear=none"
The value for the inline element width/maxwidth you mentioned is set in the Wordpress dashboard when the user adds a slideshow. I searched within the plugin code; every width / maxwidth is 100%.
View ArticleCKatzman on "Firebug/Chrome CSS editor rejects clear=none"
I have a sort of "child plugin" within my theme, but I'm not sure if any of the changes took effect. In any case, changing max-width to width there had no apparent effect. Erasing the width setting in...
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