Stefan Boonstra on "[Plugin: Slideshow] Add a link to slides"
Not yet, but this functionality is scheduled for next release of the plugin (2.1.0). Thanks for your suggestion!
View Articlecubecolour on "Missing Buttons"
That sounds like its all probably OK & that my concern of a rogue user having being created and your own user rights having been reduced was not the case. A brief explanation of those parameters is...
View Articleyabudi on "[Plugin: Slideshow] Add a link to slides"
Thank you Stefan for the prompt reply.
View Articlekirkward on "[Plugin: Anti-Splog] Pay For Usage?"
If the WPMU copywriters are stuck, a good example might be White Label CMS That plugin clearly leads to an upgrade option, but they meet what the FTC considers okay because they are not pushing or...
View Articleajmichaels on "Missing Buttons"
Yet another part of this crazy frustration. I have never had access to the buttons I'm currently seeking. I thought maybe it was because I needed to update to the new wp. So I went forward with the...
View Articles_ha_dum on "Velvet Blues Update URLs"
You can disable it or delete it. It makes changes directly to the database. (You can verify that for yourself by looking at the plugin source.) After those changes are saved you don't need the plugin...
View on "Changing the Load Order of Theme and Plugin"
Hi s_ha_dum, appreciate the input and will give your suggestion a shot!
View Articlekidfunk on "[Plugin: Author Avatars List] Can't figure out how to get all the...
I'm just installed the plugin on WP the Coraline theme. I can't seem to find the options in my blog that I see on the "screenshots" When I make the widget active I only get some options and I would...
View Articlepwlk on "[Plugin: Google AdSense Plugin] Ads won't display"
don't copy in the "pub-" portion of the publisher id or else it will truncate the last few digits of the actual pub id. the publisher id is only numbers.
View Articletrapperjoe on "Looking for the best quote scroller!"
This is killing me. I've tried like every quote scroller/rotator the world of Wordpress has to offer! I've tried Quotes Collection, Flexi Quote Rotator and a whole host of others! Every single one is...
View Articlewisrdb on "[Plugin: Membership] Questions About This Plugin" might be what you are looking for not a big member site guy however that is their whole premiss...check them out you will get some surprises with them and they are very easy to...
View Articlei0n1ca on "[Plugin: WP-AutoSocial] Uncaught OAuthException"
Everything works fine now, i didn't change anything so the problem is solved :)
View Articlei0n1ca on "[Plugin: ShareThis: Share Buttons and Sharing Analytics] Facebook...
Hi, Read my first post and click "Sharethis no title image" to see the error that i'm talking about. Some posts are sharing the title-content and some aren't. I'm getting the no title no picture no...
View Articleefpeterson on "[Plugin: The Events Calendar] Events Calendar/Event List...
Hi all, I'm working on the following site here and I'm having a hard time figuring out why the footer is being pushed to the left on the events list page and events calendar. I'm assuming it's...
View Articleefpeterson on "[Plugin: The Events Calendar] Events Calendar/Event List...
Nevermind. You have to set the template for the page in Events > Settings > Templates.
View ArticleBroskiiFX on "Google Maps Widget"
I have recently downloaded and installed the Google Maps Widget plugin to my site, The widget shows up and such, yet the lightbox does not seem to be working. Maybe it's me,...
View ArticleRed1 on "Plugin Updates"
General point about all WP plugins. Why isn't it required that updates to plugins are detailed by authors? For every other system and software there is always a list giving brief details of what has...
View Articlebestwebsoft on "[Plugin: Google AdSense Plugin] Ads won't display"
Yes, you are right. It is necessary to write numbers in the id field. Regards, Oksana
View Articlenhocti_tt on "Used plugins for website"
I'm currently in charge of administration webite and I use some SEO plugins support.but that it is not really effective. So use the best plugin for SEO.
View Articlemikechalmers on "Shopping Plugin Problems"
Hi there, We're having issue with our wp-ecommerce plugin/theme and not sure where is best to post for help on this: Our theme Sommerce...
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