Thimo Grauerholz on "[Plugin: WP-Spreadplugin] UPDATE DESIGN LIST ?"
please send me you shortcode or config by email, so i can have a look if it's just the cache
View ArticleChristian1012 on "[Plugin:WP-Client] Client Can't Download"
I have been working for the past few days toward getting the WP-Client plugin, available from After they released several updates and I re-installed several times, we seem to have...
View Articlesamm8158 on "[Plugin: easyReservations] [Plugin: Easy Reservations]...
Hi, You can add new page named Reservation and then add a shortcode for the form and you are done with it
View Articletherealwebguru on "Where is this plugin "font-viewer" ?!?"
I just found this site using this wordpress plugin "font-viewer" but couldn't find that plugin on wordpress website...can someone please let me know where to get that plugin or a similar/better plugin?...
View Articleesmi on "Where is this plugin "font-viewer" ?!?"
Have a look through
View Articletherealwebguru on "Where is this plugin "font-viewer" ?!?"
does that do the same thing?
View Articleesmi on "Where is this plugin "font-viewer" ?!?"
Uh? Did you bother looking at that link? It's a list of possible font plugins!
View Articleasbness on "Colored Buttons Widget"
I thought of doing some settings on the size, but never did, just kept it simple and published it. It is possible to alter size with CSS though.
View Articlepauljamesgo on "[Plugin: Jetpack | Infinite Scroll] is not working."
I am working with added plugin:jetpack and used its carousel with ease. Then I tried using the infinite scroll and followed the tutorial in...
View Articlewp-client on "[Plugin:WP-Client] Client Can't Download"
Hi Christian, We are happy to help you solve your issues. That sounds unusual, so we'd definitely like to sort out what could be happening. If you haven't already, please create a ticket using the...
View ArticleJeff Farthing on "[Plugin: Theme My Login] TML settings tab disappeared -...
I've had reports of the menu not showing when some TinyMCE plugin is active. With that said, I just installed both "Ultimate TinyMCE" and "TinyMCE Advanced" and my TML settings still appeared.
View Articletonysense3 on "[Plugin: Theme My Login] TML settings tab disappeared - plugin...
Basically the TML wasn't the issue, it was another plugin that effected the permissions of new blog subscribers. As Jeff has said all plugins work different and can affect in different ways. The plugin...
View Articleartichok on "[Plugin: WP-Spreadplugin] UPDATE DESIGN LIST ?"
I dont know your mailing adress. And i cant give to you ours identifications codes my parteners are fearful. Maybe i cant screenshot something ?
View ArticleThimo Grauerholz on "[Plugin: WP-Spreadplugin] UPDATE DESIGN LIST ?"
I will just need the shop id.
View Articlekisshomaru on "[Plugin: Theme My Login] TML settings tab disappeared - plugin...
I was able to confirm that Ultimate TinyMCE conflicts with TML. I believe it is all about the order in which they are installed too... What I did: - Deactivated Ultimate TinyMCE (it was the first in...
View Articlegraisee on "[Plugin: Google Analytics for WordPress] Different Stats in...
Hi Tina, I just found your post. I'm confused as to what you're looking at inside your admin on the site. The plugin doesn't display any statistics for the site in the admin panel. It is only the setup...
View ArticleMerlyn Cooper on "Using functions and PHP object initialisations in widgets"
I have been working on trying to make a widget that has dynamically printed checkboxes in the front end and controls in the admin section. The problem I've had with both of these is that as soon as I...
View ArticleRaul Illana on "How to add a product via frontend in woocommerce?"
Hi. Some fresh ideas. ;)
View ArticleDJDoubleXL189 on "Auto-post another blog's article into mine"
You can pull in an RSS feed from the respective blog, but it would redirect to their site when the user clicks it. Copying and pasting content isn't only frowned upon, but often illegal in many cases,...
View Articlewpmhweb on "[Plugin: SyntaxHighlighter Evolved] Code gets comment out after...
I also tried the twenty-twelve theme and I still getting the same problem. Thanks,
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