Hi everybody i've got a need, I need a plugin to manage special offers. There are a lot similars but i don't know which one best match with my specifics, cause my specifications are bit strange, like catalog but with order managment and possibility to assign it to specified user, or ecommerce without prices?
The flow is:
Admin, create some Promotion:
A Promotion is a List of Products (Custom Type with some fields) and a Integer with the quantity
Admin, associate one o more Promotions to an user
Users when login can view their offers and order a quantity for every product in the promotion associated to them.
I've seen this one, but it seem's not to implements easily orders and front-end stuff: http://wp-types.com/home/types-manage-post-types-taxonomy-and-custom-fields/
I'm wondering about implement a plugin from scratch, but first i ask an hint, cause I think there is a best fittable solution out there, like a catalog manager or something like that.