This is the way that my short code looks after I have added additional Custom Fields. Are you filling in the same information every time when you upload the fields? Did it ever work?
[wordpress_file_upload uploadrole="all" placements="userdata/message/title/filename+selectbutton+uploadbutton/subfolders" notify="true" notifyrecipients=", %userdata9%" notifysubject="File Upload Notification" notifymessage="Thank you for using our online file transfer center. Your file has been sent to us and we will contact you shortly about the file.%n%Your Name: %userdata1%%n%Company: %userdata2%%n%Job Name: %userdata3%%n%PO: %userdata4%%n%Address: %userdata5%%n%City, State, Zip Code: %userdata6%%n%Phone Number: %userdata7%%n%Fax Number: %userdata8%%n%E-mail Address: %userdata9%%n%Additional Details: %userdata10%" userdata="true" userdatalabel="Your Name:/Company:/Job No. / PO:/Address:/City, State, Zip:/Phone Number:/Fax Number:/E-mail Address:/Please provide information about the file you are sending:"]