Have a look how other plugin authors generate admin pages, personally i'm not too familiar with the way you have done things, therefore i can't say what could be causing the settings to not save properly.
I myself just have another php file for the settings page which is just like a form, it updates the options using update_option and gets the options using get_option.
This may be a simpler way of doing it if you're not too familiar with the wordpress codex.
You can add the admin page as follows ( this is a sample from one of my plugins)
function callback_settings() {
function callback_admin_actions() {
add_menu_page("Callback Request", "Callback Request", 1, "Callback Request", "callback_settings");
add_action('admin_menu', 'callback_admin_actions');
As you can see this just includes the callback_settings page as an administration page.
In terms of outputting the options on a page itself you can just use what you've put above using esc_attr( get_option('optionname'));.
Hopefully that will help a bit!