I am NEW at this, so bare with me friends!
First off the site I am referring to is cottonduckdesignstudio.com
I have been installing and deactivating and deleting calendar plugins all day to find the right one for me.... (found it yaaay!)
However, at one point one of the plugins placed the calendar on my homepage, which knocked out the content I already had there. Obviously wasn't a fan so I deactivated and deleted.
Another calendar plugin had me open a folder in WP theme directory to add a folder Events and then paste over its (whatever the jargon is for all the words and dashes) with another "jargon". Couldn't figure it out so I deactivated and deleted that one also.
NOW every page on the site is missing its content. Its still in the editing portion in the "view" tab but when I view the page there's nothing there. I want to cry.... I was ALMOST done!
Thanks Guys!!