I would like to add some riddles to my website that would allow users to guess what the answer might be at the end of the post. They would need to possibly submit an answer multiple times until they got it right. It would also need to give nudges if a player got closer to the answer.
For example, if I posted the riddle "What moves uphill faster than downhill?", the player could submit:
- ROCK and get a response along the lines of "I'm afraid ROCK is incorrect. Try again."
- ROCKET and get a response like "Rockets go into the sky, not up a hill. Try again!"
- FOREST FIRE and get a response like "Getting warmer! Maybe a little too specific?"
- FIRE and get a "Congratulations! You solve this riddle in 2:30 and submitted 4 guesses."
As a wonderful bonus, I'd like to be able to track the time for each user to answer the riddle and put that into leaderboard.
I don't know if anything like this exists. I've looked into quiz-style plugins and currently am playing around with WP-Pro-Quiz, but it doesn't allow multiple answer checking; you either get a question right or wrong and then move on to the next one.
Thanks for any help!