I am new to wordpress, and installing a plugin is failing with this error :
'Downloading install package from http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/formidable.1.06.05.zip…
Unpacking the package…
Could not create directory. /wordpress/wp-content/upgrade'
This is the incorrect path. The path should be /opt/wordpress/wp-content/upgrade
That is because wordpress is installed in that path on the computer (server).
I am using Ubuntu Linux 12.10, WordPress 3.4.2 and XAMPP (recent version this week) for this, and I have tried several things including editing the wp-config.php and wp-load.php files to define the ABSPATH variable to be '/opt/wordpress' and as well as adjusting permissions in the wordpress folder and all subdirectories and files (using chmod -R) to be 777. I have also changed the owner of the wordpress folder and all subdirectories and files (using chown -R) to be 'www-data'.
I have also tried manually installing the plugin. Using a .zip file has a similar error with creating a directory, although this time it is :
'Unable to create directory wp-content/uploads/2012/11. Is its parent directory writable by the server?'
I noticed there isn't a '/' at the beginning of that error message, so I am not sure why it is getting that error.
Also, I have tried a manual install, by unzipping the contents of the plugin into the '/opt/wordpress/wp-content/plugins' directory to no avail. For some reason, the plugin, after this unzipping, is not listed in the plugins section after logging in as admin. The php file has the appropriate header comment, but it is still not listed.
Any help would be *greatly* appreciated. Thanks!