When i update to 1.1.2, my facebook comment icon and count was gone on my homepage. Classic comment icon comes to there. But i want Facebook comment icon on homepage!
This is my old screen of homepage: http://superkarga.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/superkargasite.jpg
You can see Facebook comments under the news title.
But now you can see themes comment icon : http://www.superkarga.com
How can i fix it? Also after update, i can't go plugin setting. General page ("Genel" in Turkish) is emty. Also when i go to facebook's empty general page, my admin panel is broken!
I update to 1.1.3, after 1.1.5 but still not working! Please help because it's really important to my site.
My hosts PHP version is: 5.2.17
Please fix for this version.
Thank you.